
Introduction Cipralex® is an antidepressant containing the active ingredient escitalopram. It is one of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and, by increasing serotonin levels in the central nervous system, has a stimulating and anxiety-reducing effect. In addition to its use in the treatment of severe depression, it is also prescribed for various anxiety disorders. … Cipralex

Interactions | Cipralex

Interactions After Cipralex® is taken in tablet form, the active ingredient is metabolized in the liver and then distributed throughout the body. In the process, interactions with numerous other drugs may occur. Under no circumstances should Cipralex® be combined with MAO inhibitors (including moclobemide, selegiline, tranylcypromine). There is a risk of very serious and sometimes … Interactions | Cipralex


Product description Cipramil® is a drug containing the active ingredient citalopram in the form of citalopram hydrobromide. Other excipients are also incorporated into this product. The active ingredient is the serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram. In addition to Cipramil®, the active ingredient Cipramil® is also found in the following products: Citadura Citalich Citalon Citalopram ratiopharm … Cipramil

Panic Attacks

Note The topic panic attack belongs to our topic family “AnxietyAnxiety Disorder”. You can find general information on this topic at Fear Synonyms anxiety, panic disorder, panic Definition A panic attack is the sudden occurrence of a physical and mental alarm reaction of unclear cause, usually lasting only a few minutes, without appropriate external cause. … Panic Attacks

Therapy | Panic Attacks

Therapy The so-called behavioral therapy has proven to be a psychotherapeutic method for the treatment of panic disorder. The central approach of the therapy must be to break the vicious circle. For example, typical symptoms of panic disorder such as shortness of breath can be provoked by controlled physical exertion or increased rapid breathing. Here, … Therapy | Panic Attacks

Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Introduction In the vernacular, claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces. However, this definition is not complete. Also for the so-called agoraphobia is used as a synonym claustrophobia. Here the patient is afraid of situations in which he is defenselessly exposed to embarrassing symptoms or helpless circumstances. The psychiatric background for both anxiety disorders is … Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Therapy | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Therapy The therapeutic measures depend on the form of claustrophobia and on the individual experience of anxious situations. The aim of a therapy should be to minimize the patient’s suffering and to get rid of the avoidance behaviour. Thereby, both a treatment without medication and a pharmacological (medicinal) therapy strategy can be used. The combination … Therapy | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Course and prognosis | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Course and prognosis In the absence of treatment, anxiety disorders, especially agoraphobia, have a poor prognosis. The untreated course is characterized by avoidance behavior and constant social withdrawal. The anxiety states become chronic and the patient suffers increasingly severe mental agony. However, if a suitable therapy is found as early as possible, the chances for … Course and prognosis | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia