Elbow fracture

The elbow is colloquially referred to as the region between the upper arm and forearm, where, in addition to important nerve tracts and vessels, the elbow joint is located. An elbow fracture is a fracture of the elbow joint, or the adjacent structures. The term is not clearly defined medically. In practice, however, in most … Elbow fracture

Leg tickles – what’s behind it?

What is a tingling leg? A tingling leg is a typical example of a sensation or sensory disorder. In technical terminology, this is known as a sensory disorder, more precisely as paresthesia. This type of sensory disorder develops on the surface of the body, where nerve endings lie in the skin. These are actually there … Leg tickles – what’s behind it?

Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?

Associated symptoms A symptom often associated with burning toes is numbness that is felt on the same or adjacent toes. Also, sensations such as a slight tingling sensation, similar to the sensation when a fallen asleep foot “wakes up” again, are relatively common. In technical terminology such phenomena are called “paresthesias”. Another accompanying symptom is … Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?

Associated symptoms | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Associated symptoms The main symptom of burning in the neck is localized pain. For many superficial complaints such as skin, muscle or fascial disorders, the pain can be intensified by external pressure. Movements such as rotations and the straightening of the neck, but also breathing movements and activities such as driving a car or bicycle … Associated symptoms | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?