Are they also available without estrogen? | The minipill

Are they also available without estrogen? The minipill is a hormonal contraceptive which is basically estrogen-free. The progestin it contains is either levonorgestrel or desogestrel and other new progestins. The minipill should not be confused with the so-called micro pill. This is a combined preparation, i.e. it contains a combination of estrogen and progestin. Unlike … Are they also available without estrogen? | The minipill

Interactions – Which drugs cancels out the effectiveness of the pill? | The minipill

Interactions – Which drugs cancels out the effectiveness of the pill? Interactions can occur when taking two drugs. There are drugs that can influence the effectiveness of the minipill and can cancel the contraceptive protection. If a doctor prescribes a medicine, it is essential to point out that hormonal contraceptives must be taken. The effect … Interactions – Which drugs cancels out the effectiveness of the pill? | The minipill

Alternatives to the minipill | The minipill

Alternatives to the minipill The decision for a contraceptive should be discussed in detail with the gynecologist. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. An alternative hormonal contraceptive is the conventional combined preparation which contains the hormones estrogen and progestin. The so-called micro pill contains a much lower proportion of estrogens, but is not completely estrogen-free. … Alternatives to the minipill | The minipill

Minipill in the menopause | The minipill

Minipill in the menopause The risk of thrombosis and cardiovascular disease increases with age. Since combination preparations additionally increase the risk, they are not recommended. However, if you do not want to do without hormonal contraceptive methods, you can take the minipill in this case. According to current knowledge, they are associated with a lower … Minipill in the menopause | The minipill

The minipill

What is the minipill? The minipill is a medicine for women to prevent unwanted pregnancy. They are also known as contraceptives. In contrast to the combined pill, the conventional “contraceptive pill”, the minipill is a progestin-only preparation, so the minipill contains no estrogen. The minipill is recommended for women who do not tolerate preparations containing … The minipill

Hormone-free contraception

What does hormone-free contraception mean? Many couples are looking for alternative methods of contraception because of concerns about complications from hormonal contraceptives or personal rejection of them. There is a wide range of options, with most contraceptive methods involving the woman herself. The advantage of hormone-free methods is that they do not interfere with the … Hormone-free contraception

What is the respective Pearl index? | Hormone-free contraception

What is the respective Pearl index? The Pearl index indicates the number of pregnancies in one hundred women over a period of one year using the chosen contraceptive method. It is thus an indicative guide to reliability. The lower the Pearl index, the more reliable the method is classified. Depending on the literature source used, … What is the respective Pearl index? | Hormone-free contraception

The copper chain

What is a copper chain? The copper chain is a hormone-free contraceptive method. The copper chain is a further development of the classic copper spiral. It is a very safe contraceptive method, and only about 0.1 to 0.5 percent of women become pregnant within one year despite using it. The copper chain consists of a … The copper chain

For whom is the copper chain not suitable? | The copper chain

For whom is the copper chain not suitable? Although the copper chain is well tolerated by most women, there are some contraindications for using this contraceptive method. Women who suffer from very heavy and irregular bleeding and develop other physical complaints during their periods should first ask their gynecologist whether hormonal therapy can alleviate these … For whom is the copper chain not suitable? | The copper chain