Buschke-Ollendorff Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disorder. The rare disorder affects the skeleton and skin. What effects does Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome have on the human body and how can the disease be treated? What is Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome? Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome, also known by its Latin name dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata, was named after German dermatologist Abraham Buschke … Buschke-Ollendorff Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Keratitis-ichthyosis Deafness Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome is a disease that is passed on genetically to offspring. Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome is comparatively rare. The common abbreviation for the disease term is KID syndrome. Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome is primarily characterized by impaired keratinization of the skin, hearing loss, and an inflamed cornea. What is keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome? Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome is synonymously referred to as … Keratitis-ichthyosis Deafness Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Trisomy 8: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Trisomy 8 is a genomic mutation that results in chromosomal aberration. Symptoms depend on the form of the mutation. Many trisomy eight patients have a mild course with relatively normal intelligence. What is trisomy eight? Trisomy 8 is a rare chromosomal abnormality that results from a genomic mutation and occurs sporadically. The condition is also … Trisomy 8: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment