Prognosis | Hip pain in the child

Prognosis The prognosis for most diseases of hip pain in children is very good. Growth pains and hip rhinitis disappear spontaneously. In the case of perthes disease and epiphyseolysis capitis femoris, success can also be expected if the disease is diagnosed in good time and treated correctly. All articles in this series: Hip pain in … Prognosis | Hip pain in the child


Definition Osteonecrosis (also known as bone necrosis, bone infarction) is an infarction of a whole bone or a part of a bone, which leads to the death of tissue (= necrosis). In principle, osteonecrosis can occur in any bone in the body (even in the big toe: Renander’s disease). However, there are some preferred localizations. … Osteonecrosis

Knee | Osteonecrosis

Knee Osteonecrosis is also a typical disease for the knee, or the lower end of the thigh bone. If the knee is affected, the medical term is “Ahlbäck’s disease” (synonym: aseptic bone necrosis of the knee). The cause for the death of the bone substance is primarily a disturbance of the regular blood circulation of … Knee | Osteonecrosis

Pine | Osteonecrosis

Pine The long-term intake of bisphosphonates can lead to the death of bone tissue in all bony structures. While this phenomenon is quite rare in the knee area, bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis in the jaw is more common. Furthermore, drugs from the steroid group are also suspected of provoking osteonecrosis of the jaw and knee. Patients suffering … Pine | Osteonecrosis

Therapy | Osteonecrosis

Therapy The therapy of choice for osteonecrosis depends on several factors. Sometimes it is sufficient to spare the affected part of the body for a while and not to burden it with weight, i.e. to treat it purely conservatively. Thanks to this resting period, spontaneous healing can often be achieved. In worse cases, however, only … Therapy | Osteonecrosis

Hip Fever

Definition/Introduction Hip rhinitis is also known as coxitis fugax or transient synovitis and is an abacterial, i.e. germ-free inflammation of the hip joint. If one translates the term coxitis fugax, one already gets an accurate description of the clinical picture. Coxitis fugax means “volatile inflammation of the hip joint”. The hip rhinitis is the most … Hip Fever

Complications | Hip Fever

Complications The hip cold usually heals within a few days to weeks without any consequences and also in the long run no persistent complaints or hip changes could be shown so far. However, 5 – 20 % of the affected children suffer from hip rhinitis one more time in their lives. Duration of hip rhinitis … Complications | Hip Fever

Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Introduction Osteoarthritis of the hip joint is a disease of wear and tear caused by incorrect and excessive strain and is one of the most common orthopedic diseases, especially in older patients. In most cases, osteoarthritis of the hip joint does not initially cause any symptoms and the person affected is not aware of the … Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Fugax coxitis

Synonyms in the broadest sense “Hip fever”, serous coxitis, transient synovitis of the hip Definition The “hip cold” is a kind of inflammation of the hip joint. More precisely, it is a temporary abacterial irritation of the hip joint of children. Occurrence of Coxitis fugax As a rule, the affected children are under 10 years … Fugax coxitis

Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis | Symptoms of hip arthrosis

Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis are increased pain, which increases in intensity and duration. This pain leads to an increasing restriction of certain movements in the affected patient and significantly changes the gait pattern. As with incipient hip arthrosis, the initial pain is also a symptom of advanced hip arthrosis. … Symptoms of advanced hip arthrosis | Symptoms of hip arthrosis