Physiotherapy for baby/infant | Physiotherapy for hip dysplasia

Physiotherapy for baby/infant The examination of the hip is one of the standard examinations for newborns/babies and is performed in the first weeks of life as part of the U-examinations (usually U3) using ultrasound. The picture shows the steep position of the acetabulum in hip dysplasia. Before and in addition to physiotherapeutic treatment methods, the … Physiotherapy for baby/infant | Physiotherapy for hip dysplasia

Exercises for hip dysplasia | Physiotherapy for hip dysplasia

Exercises for hip dysplasia The main aim is to strengthen the hip joint stabilizing musculature by means of physiotherapeutic exercises. These are the abductors and extensors. Bridging: Here the patient lies on the pad, arms slightly spread out beside the body, legs turned up, toes pulled towards the body. Now the buttocks are stretched upwards … Exercises for hip dysplasia | Physiotherapy for hip dysplasia

Physiotherapy on the device

Physiotherapy on the device is a prescription for therapeutic training and an effective method to build up muscles, promote mobility and (re)create the conditions for an active everyday life. Physiotherapy on the device (also called medical training therapy) is often prescribed as a follow-up prescription after a physiotherapeutic individual treatment or manual therapy. While pain … Physiotherapy on the device

Summary | Physiotherapy on the device

Summary Physiotherapy on the machine includes a warm-up phase, a strength section and a cool-down. It is therefore an effective method to build up muscles, promote mobility and (re)create the conditions for an active everyday life. Modern equipment guarantees the patient a very low risk of injury and an optimal increase in load. Physiotherapy on … Summary | Physiotherapy on the device

Associated symptoms | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Associated symptoms From the causes of a cervical spine syndrome, there are also some accompanying symptoms that can accompany neck pain. Headaches are particularly frequent, but stress, sleep disturbances and radiations in the direction of the arms are also part of it. They can be caused by nerve irritations in the area of the cervical … Associated symptoms | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Treatment/Therapy | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Treatment/Therapy The treatment of cervical spine syndrome begins in the acute phase with pain-relieving measures. For this purpose, in addition to heat applications and massages, NSARs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac can be taken. In any case, it is important that the neck is not spared, because exercise is an essential part … Treatment/Therapy | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Duration/Prediction | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Duration/Prediction In the case of a non-chronic cervical spine syndrome (symptoms that do not last longer than three months), the prognosis is very favorable.In order to ensure a positive course of treatment, it is essential that the person concerned becomes active himself and regularly performs the exercises learned in physiotherapy. This process will take a … Duration/Prediction | Headaches caused by a cervical spine syndrome

Cervical spine syndrome – exercises

Before starting physiotherapy for a cervical spine syndrome, all important structures of the cervical spine (cervical spine) and its surroundings must be examined. Especially tests for instability, unhindered blood circulation and nerve conduction are indispensable. Following are some exercises to strengthen the cervical spine and the holding muscles. Cervical Spine Syndrome Exercise 1 In order … Cervical spine syndrome – exercises

Other therapeutic procedures | Cervical spine syndrome – exercises

Other therapeutic procedures Passive therapy options to loosen the painful musculature are heat applications, massages, triggers and the relieving sling table, in which the structures of the cervical spine are gently pulled apart. Stretching and slow movements in all directions (of neck and shoulders) also have a mobilizing and soothing effect. When practicing alone, it … Other therapeutic procedures | Cervical spine syndrome – exercises

Prophylaxis | Cervical spine syndrome – exercises

Prophylaxis To prevent the cervical spine syndrome, correct posture, sufficient movement and a stable muscle corset are necessary. Especially in an office job, in which a sitting bent position is taken for a long time, during long car journeys or other static positions, it is important to correct and change one’s posture again and again … Prophylaxis | Cervical spine syndrome – exercises