Poisonous Plants: Danger of Poisoning for Children (Poisonous Plants in the Home and Garden)

In the warm season, children often play outside. Their imagination is fired with things they find there. For example, the game “cooking a meal” often involves berries, leaves or other plant parts. However, such a meal is sometimes difficult to digest. Younger children are often tempted by the pretty colors and shapes to put plant … Poisonous Plants: Danger of Poisoning for Children (Poisonous Plants in the Home and Garden)

Tension Headache: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Almost everyone has experienced it: tension headache is an annoying condition that severely limits quality of life, especially in chronic cases. The causes are varied and not yet fully understood. Nevertheless, there are effective treatments that can significantly alleviate tension headache. What is tension headache? Infographic on the causes and symptoms of migraines and headaches. … Tension Headache: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

How To Improve Your Balance

The sense of balance is absolutely essential, it is the only way to maintain balance. The sense of balance is located in the inner ear and is very closely connected to the cerebellum. This is because balance is also controlled here and it is responsible for coordination. Balance disorders are easy to recognize, dizziness, nausea … How To Improve Your Balance

Last Months of Pregnancy

The period from the 5th to the 8th month of pregnancy, that is, from the first palpable movements of the baby until about 12 weeks after, is the time of greatest well-being of a pregnant woman. The body has overcome the changes that occasionally cause disturbances during the first months of pregnancy, and the constriction … Last Months of Pregnancy

Grey’s Syndrome

Definition The Grey syndrome (also: Gray syndrome) describes an acute illness in premature or newborn babies that can occur after administration of the antibiotic chloramphenicol. Chloramphenicol is broken down by the liver. Since the liver of the newborn has not yet taken up its full function, however, the antibiotic cannot be broken down sufficiently, so … Grey’s Syndrome

Symptoms | Grey’s Syndrome

Symptoms The leading symptom of the Grey syndrome is a gray coloration of the skin. This is where the name of the disease comes from. In addition, there are some other symptoms that also affect different organ systems. These are above all: Hypothermia Low blood pressure Loss of appetite Respiratory disorders Nausea and vomiting Blue … Symptoms | Grey’s Syndrome

Blood poisoning in children

General information Blood poisoning or also called sepsis, describes the dreaded and dangerous clinical picture that can be triggered by infections. In small children, sepsis, caused by meningococcus, is an absolute emergency. If meningococcal meningitis is suspected, sepsis caused by this pathogen must always be feared. Severe health deterioration with fever, headaches, bleeding and skin … Blood poisoning in children