Obstetrics, Delivery room, Postpartum period

Obstetrics is a branch of gynecology. It deals with the monitoring of pregnancies as well as birth preparation, birth and postnatal care. The services offered to expectant parents are diverse and vary greatly from clinic to clinic. Services offered by a gynecology or obstetrics department before a pregnancy: Pre-conception counseling, i.e. medical consultations that take … Obstetrics, Delivery room, Postpartum period

Period after Birth

Pregnancy is a significant transition for the female body. Hormone balance gradually normalizes and menstruation resumes. The first period after childbirth is special for many women. Because every woman is different, the timing of the first period cannot be generalized. However, longer waiting periods are not a cause for concern. When fertile days return As … Period after Birth

Respiration at birth

What is meant by correct breathing at birth? Birth presents women with a special and unique challenge. Birth preparation courses, which are mainly run by midwives, are designed to help women prepare for the demands of childbirth. A central theme of such courses is the correct breathing technique or breathing during the birth. These are … Respiration at birth

Where and how can I practice this in advance? | Respiration at birth

Where and how can I practice this in advance? In preparation for the birth, there are various birth-preparation courses, which, among other things, also specifically address the topic of “breathing during birth”. If you are interested in such courses, it is highly recommended that you contact your own health insurance company for information. There are … Where and how can I practice this in advance? | Respiration at birth

What can I do so that I do not hyperventilate during birth? | Respiration at birth

What can I do so that I do not hyperventilate during birth? Especially in the expulsion phase of childbirth, some women tend to hyperventilate. This often happens quite unconsciously. Often the expectant mother holds her breath during the pressing phase and then gasps for air quickly at the end of the pressing phase. This can … What can I do so that I do not hyperventilate during birth? | Respiration at birth