What can I do so that I do not hyperventilate during birth? | Respiration at birth

What can I do so that I do not hyperventilate during birth?

Especially in the expulsion phase of childbirth, some women tend to hyperventilate. This often happens quite unconsciously. Often the expectant mother holds her breath during the pressing phase and then gasps for air quickly at the end of the pressing phase.

This can quickly turn into a kind of panting, gasping breathing that leads to hyperventilation. However, this can be consciously counteracted by remembering to breathe calmly and steadily and to do this with the support of the midwife, doctor or accompanying family member. Even during the pressing phases, one should try to breathe through the contraction. This can be extremely difficult, but with a little concentration it is possible and makes the birth much easier. This topic may also be of interest to you: Maternity benefits