Ignorance about pregnancy | Smoking during pregnancy

Ignorance about pregnancy It is the rule that women do not know they are pregnant immediately after conception. On average, if there is no menstruation (i.e. usually not until 14 days after implantation) a pregnancy test is taken or a doctor is consulted. During the period in which a pregnancy exists but is not known, … Ignorance about pregnancy | Smoking during pregnancy

Bleeding Gums: Causes, Treatment & Help

As the name itself expresses, bleeding gums (also gum bleeding) is mostly recognized by the traces of blood in the mouth. These are mostly noticed when brushing the teeth with rinsing out the toothpaste. What is bleeding gums? Bleeding gums are noticeable by blood and pain when brushing teeth, traces of blood when biting into … Bleeding Gums: Causes, Treatment & Help

Pregnancy Scholestasis – What you need to know

Definition Pregnancy cholestasis is a disturbance in the flow of bile from the liver to the gall bladder or duodenum during pregnancy. This leads to an increased concentration of bile acids in the blood. It usually occurs in the third trimester, i.e. approximately from the 26th week of pregnancy at every 500th to 1000th pregnancy. … Pregnancy Scholestasis – What you need to know

Diagnosis of pregnancy cholestasis | Pregnancy Scholestasis – What you need to know

Diagnosis of pregnancy cholestasis The first step in the diagnosis of pregnancy cholestasis is a consultation with your doctor. Here the doctor will collect the symptoms and, if there is a suspicion of a bile stasis, he will also ask whether similar symptoms have already occurred in previous pregnancies. This is particularly important for further … Diagnosis of pregnancy cholestasis | Pregnancy Scholestasis – What you need to know

Nutrition during pregnancy scholestasis | Pregnancy Scholestasis – What you need to know

Nutrition during pregnancy scholestasis As in the normal course of pregnancy, attention should be paid to a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, the diet should be as low in fat as possible, since the disturbed transport of bile acids into the intestine can interfere with the digestion of fats. When using fats and oils, … Nutrition during pregnancy scholestasis | Pregnancy Scholestasis – What you need to know

Premature Birth

Definition A premature birth is defined as a baby that is born before the completed 37th week of pregnancy. Usually the babies of a premature birth weigh less than 1500g. Preterm birth is associated with a number of risk factors for the baby. In principle, there are a number of causes for preterm birth, but … Premature Birth