Skin rash on upper arm

Introduction A skin rash is a superficial change in the skin. In the technical terminology, the rash on the skin is also called “exanthema”. Depending on the cause of the rash, the appearance and accompanying symptoms vary. Almost always it is a reddening of the affected skin area with overheating. The redness can be spotted, … Skin rash on upper arm

Diagnosis | Skin rash on upper arm

Diagnosis The diagnosis includes a medical history and an intensive inspection of the rash and accompanying symptoms. The rashes of various infectious diseases can often be distinguished externally. The time course and spread of the rash also provide many clues as to the underlying cause. For example, a measles rash is described as nodular-stained, whereas … Diagnosis | Skin rash on upper arm

Infant skin rash | Skin rash on upper arm

Infant skin rash Infants with skin rashes are always suspected of having a typical childhood disease, which is often triggered by viral pathogens. The typical representatives are chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever and rubella. The rashes are infectious and require special hygienic treatment. There are vaccinations against some of these diseases, which make the disease unlikely … Infant skin rash | Skin rash on upper arm

Anatomy and function of human skin

General information about the skin The skin of the human body has a total area of 1.5 to 2 m2. The total weight is about 3.5 to 10 kg. The surface shows an individually different relief. This relief is genetically determined. The skin is divided into two different types. On the one hand, the hairless … Anatomy and function of human skin

Connection zone between dermis and epidermis | Anatomy and function of human skin

Connection zone between dermis and epidermis The two layers of the skin (cutis) are closely connected. This connection is ensured by so-called reteleiste, among other things. A basal membrane (thin separating layer) between the layers controls the exchange of cells and molecules. It consists of 2 layers. One of these layers is connected to the … Connection zone between dermis and epidermis | Anatomy and function of human skin

The function of the skin

Introduction The skin (cutis) has two important functions for our body. On the one hand, it has a defensive and protective function, on the other hand it is responsible for the absorption of stimuli. It has the function to ward off harmful influences and to enable physiologically necessary exchange functions (heat exchange) and sensory impressions. … The function of the skin

Cracked heels

Cracked heels (fissures, med. Rhagades) are often deep torn areas on the outer edge of the heel, which can occur due to dry cornea. The actual protective function of the cornea is lost and can lead to further problems. The development of the dry cracked skin areas can have different causes. Causes of cracked heels … Cracked heels

Diagnosis | Cracked heels

Diagnosis The diagnosis is quite easy to make and often the affected person notices swelling and redness on the heel quite early. The skin feels very rough and dry and an excessive layer of callus has formed. Smaller to deeper cracks may already have developed. It may be necessary to consult a doctor if the … Diagnosis | Cracked heels