Red spots on the arms and legs | Red spots on the arms – warning signal or harmless?

Red spots on the arms and legs The most common cause of spots on arms and legs is so-called eczema, i.e. inflammation of the skin accompanied by itching and red spots. There are various causes for these eczemas, for example, the drying of the skin due to low fluid intake and cold, dry air, especially … Red spots on the arms and legs | Red spots on the arms – warning signal or harmless?

Red spots on the arms of older people | Red spots on the arms – warning signal or harmless?

Red spots on the arms of older people Especially older people often suffer from dry skin due to an insufficient drinking quantity, which is also called dehydration eczema. These red spots occur mainly in the winter months when the heating air and the cold winter air additionally dry out the skin. A scaling of the … Red spots on the arms of older people | Red spots on the arms – warning signal or harmless?

Symptoms | Skin rash at the corner of the eye

Symptoms The accompanying symptoms depend on the underlying disease and can therefore be quite different. A frequent accompanying symptom is itching. Furthermore, pain, fever or swelling are possible accompanying symptoms. Typical symptoms of conjunctivitis include a foreign body sensation in the eye, severe redness of the eye and photophobia. A typical symptom of lachrymal sac … Symptoms | Skin rash at the corner of the eye

Inflammation at the navel

Inflammation of the navel can have various reasons and causes. The causes can vary depending on the age of the patient. Medical experts also call the inflammation of the navel “omphalitis”. Omphalitis occurs mainly in the newborn. In adolescence and young adulthood, piercings, among other things, can be a reason for an inflammation. Also certain … Inflammation at the navel

Navel inflammation during pregnancy | Inflammation at the navel

Navel inflammation during pregnancy In pregnancy, an inflammation of the navel is not uncommon. Due to the constant growth of the child in the abdomen, an increasing tension of the abdominal wall builds up, which can cause small skin cracks. Normally, such small wounds heal quickly and are often not even noticed, but due to … Navel inflammation during pregnancy | Inflammation at the navel


Introduction The immune system is essential for the survival of every human being. In the course of evolution, the human immune system has evolved into the so-called adaptive immune system. This gives us the possibility to react more differentiated and effective to bacteria and viruses. The immune system protects us. It helps us to better … Biologics

Active substance/effect | Biologics

Active substance/effect Most biologics are proteins. There are different generations of biologics and therefore also of TNF-α inhibitors. The generations differ from the production. The ending of the name tells how much mouse protein is still present in the active ingredients. With the ending -omab there is 100%, with the ending -ximab there is still … Active substance/effect | Biologics

Dosage | Biologics

Dosage Since the bilogikas are usually proteins, they must be given parenterally (via an infusion). Oral administration is not possible, as the body would then digest them and the active ingredients would not be able to exert their effect. The dosage depends on the active ingredient and the disease in question. Usually the dose is … Dosage | Biologics