Which drugs slow down the pupil reflex? | Which medications or drugs affect the pupil?

Which drugs slow down the pupil reflex? When smoking weed, cannabis is inhaled, i.e. forms of cannabis such as grass, weed or marijuana are burned, so that the vapors can then be inhaled. This initially leads to a relaxing effect as well as euphoria and possibly hallucinogenic effects. This is followed by an increased appetite … Which drugs slow down the pupil reflex? | Which medications or drugs affect the pupil?

Pupils of different sizes

Introduction The size of the pupils is precisely regulated by the body in everyday life. In darkness the pupils dilate to capture as much light as possible, while in healing the pupils narrow. Pupils of different sizes are innate and harmless in 10-20% of the population. Also in the rest of the population the pupil … Pupils of different sizes

Associated symptoms and warning signs | Pupils of different sizes

Associated symptoms and warning signs For people with uneven pupils, certain symptoms or features are an indication that there is an underlying disease and that a doctor should be consulted. These warning signals include: A drooping eyelid (ptosis) Seeing double images Loss of vision Severe headache or sore throat Eye Pain Treatment Often no treatment … Associated symptoms and warning signs | Pupils of different sizes