Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Especially in the warm season they plague us: the mosquitoes. Even if a mosquito bite is completely harmless in most cases, it is still very unpleasant. But there is help! What helps against mosquito bites? In the case of a mosquito bite, it is recommended to squeeze or chew a leaf of ribwort and put … Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Sunscreen: Effect, Uses & Risks

Sunscreens are designed to be applied to the skin and protect against UV rays and resulting skin reactions, such as redness, blistering and premature aging. What is sunscreen? The primary purpose of sunscreen is to protect the skin all over the body from harmful UV rays. In common parlance, preparations such as suntan lotion, suntan … Sunscreen: Effect, Uses & Risks

Causes of the pain | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

Causes of the pain The cause of pain in knee arthrosis does not, as one might initially assume, come from the cartilage itself. This cartilage has no pain receptors. The situation is different for the periosteum and the inner surface of the joint capsule of the knee joint, both of which have numerous pain receptors. … Causes of the pain | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

Restricted movement | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

Restricted movement In the course of the arthrosis, the associated restrictions in the movement of the knee joint become increasingly severe. Initially, the restricted mobility is due to the phased swelling of the knee joint, which can be caused by the inflammatory reaction. Affected persons are then unable to bend or stretch the joint completely, … Restricted movement | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

OP – Alternative to painkillers | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

OP – Alternative to painkillers If conservative measures do not lead to the desired success in the case of knee arthrosis, surgery is considered as the next step. As a rule, this is done arthroscopically, i.e. by means of a minimally invasive procedure. Depending on the stage of the arthrosis, different procedures can be considered: … OP – Alternative to painkillers | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? If a knee joint arthrosis has been diagnosed and the affected person experiences pain while doing sports, the sport should be stopped. This is especially true for sports that place a high load on the knee joint, such as soccer, handball, tennis or athletics. In general, patients … Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? | Knee arthritis – What are the symptoms/pain?

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for osteoarthritis of the knee

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients: Gelencium Arthro is a homeopathic complex remedy that consists of three active ingredients. These include: Effect: The complex remedy Gelencium Arthro has a pain-relieving effect and additionally supports the regeneration as well as the self-healing of the harmful processes in the knee joint. Dosage: In case of … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for osteoarthritis of the knee

Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for osteoarthritis of the knee

Which home remedies can help me? A number of home remedies can also be helpful against osteoarthritis of the knee. A compress with arnica flowers has a local anti-inflammatory effect.It can relieve pain and at the same time promote the removal of harmful substances. To use, a few teaspoons of arnica flowers should be poured … Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for osteoarthritis of the knee