Other possible side effects after general anesthesia | Side effects of general anesthesia

Other possible side effects after general anesthesia In some cases, headaches and headaches with nausea occur after anesthesia. Although headaches are typical side effects of regional anaesthesia such as spinal or epidural anaesthesia, some patients report headaches as side effects after general anaesthesia. If headaches occur after general anaesthesia, the causes are rarely to be … Other possible side effects after general anesthesia | Side effects of general anesthesia

Memory disorders | Side effects of general anesthesia

Memory disorders In the context of anesthesia, drugs are often administered specifically to cause retrograde amnesia. This means that patients should lose their memories after an often unpleasant and painful procedure. Drugs that cause this memory altering effect are for example benzodiazepines, which are administered before the operation to calm the patient. Anaesthetics such as … Memory disorders | Side effects of general anesthesia

Side effects of general anesthesia in elderly people | Side effects of general anesthesia

Side effects of general anesthesia in elderly people Older people are generally exposed to the same risks under general anesthesia as younger people. Injuries may occur when inserting the breathing tube (intubation), followed by sore throats due to slight injuries to the mucous membranes. Injury to the teeth during intubation is also possible. Furthermore, allergic … Side effects of general anesthesia in elderly people | Side effects of general anesthesia

Side effects of general anesthesia in children | Side effects of general anesthesia

Side effects of general anesthesia in children Even in children, certain side effects can occur after general anesthesia.Very small children are often very restless, crying or screaming for 10-15 minutes after waking up. This is due to a temporary state of confusion caused by the general anesthesia. Some children complain of nausea or vomiting after … Side effects of general anesthesia in children | Side effects of general anesthesia

The risks of general anesthesia

Introduction A general anaesthetic is a medical procedure in which an anaesthetist (an anaesthetist) puts a patient into an artificial deep sleep and at the same time suppresses pain sensation and consciousness with medication. However, the drugs that induce deep sleep also suppress the human respiratory drive, making artificial respiration necessary for the duration of … The risks of general anesthesia

Is general anesthesia possible despite coughing? | The risks of general anesthesia

Is general anesthesia possible despite coughing? Coughing can have many different causes, but often occurs in the context of infectious diseases. In the conversation with the doctor before the operation, in addition to medication, allergies and chronic pre-existing conditions, acute diseases such as infections are also checked. Often the upper respiratory tract, such as the … Is general anesthesia possible despite coughing? | The risks of general anesthesia

Very rare risks | The risks of general anesthesia

Very rare risks The following risks occur during general anaesthesia with an incidence of 1:1000 to 1:10. 000 – i.e. very rarely: Awareness (this refers to unintentional wakefulness during the anaesthesia). Many patients are most afraid of being conscious during the procedure and at the same time unable to communicate. However, the anesthetists are very … Very rare risks | The risks of general anesthesia

Prevention | The risks of general anesthesia

Prevention In order to minimize or exclude all these risks, with the exception of emergencies, a consultation is held between the anesthesiologist and the patient in which the anesthesiologist examines the patient’s medical history (especially with regard to drug intolerances) and also records the patient’s physical condition in order to be able to assess whether … Prevention | The risks of general anesthesia

General Anesthesia

Definition General anesthesia is a procedure used in surgical operations that puts the patient into complete unconsciousness, during which independent breathing is suspended. Applications General anesthesia is always used when long and complex procedures are involved or when there is a risk that the patient’s restlessness could jeopardize the surgical procedure. Furthermore, general anesthesia must … General Anesthesia