Treatment/Therapy | Dizziness in the menopause

Treatment/Therapy The therapy of vertigo during menopause consists of several components. There are several medicinal and homeopathic remedies to alleviate the hormonal changes during the menopause and thus relieve the symptoms. However, a causal therapy of the climacteric is difficult and unsuitable because it is a natural process. Dizziness can also be treated, but this … Treatment/Therapy | Dizziness in the menopause

Dizziness in the menopause

What is dizziness in menopause? The menopause (climacteric) describes the phase in which the hormone balance of the woman changes. Before the menopause, women are fertile; during the menopause, menstruation becomes increasingly irregular. From one year after the last menstrual period onwards, we speak of the so-called menopause. The woman’s reproductive capacity is thus terminated. … Dizziness in the menopause

Otoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Health complaints and complications of sensitive sensory organs can be taken care of with special interventions that involve the least possible stress for the patient. Otoscopy or ear surgery is one of these so-called minimally invasive procedures. What is otoscopy? Otoscopy can be used to examine diseases of the ear or hearing (e.g., otitis externa), … Otoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Specific symptoms in women | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Specific symptoms in women The symptoms in women are identical to those of men. Especially in women from menopause onwards, the symptoms are often due to a hormonal change in the body. If the symptoms mentioned above occur during pregnancy or when taking oral contraceptives, they may also be the cause of the symptoms. They … Specific symptoms in women | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms in children | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms in children In general, high blood pressure in children can also go completely asymptomatic for years. Therefore, if symptoms such as recurring headaches, dizziness, reduced performance, ringing in the ears, frequent nosebleeds, sleep disturbances, atypical nausea and vomiting and even visual disturbances occur, the blood pressure should be measured and clarified on three different … Symptoms in children | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Gutter Trial: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The Rinne test is a subjective, non-invasive and quickly performable ENT test procedure that uses a vibrating tuning fork to compare the bone conduction and air conduction of an ear. The test procedure can be used to make differential diagnostic statements about the type of hearing loss, which in particular allow a distinction to be … Gutter Trial: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Symptoms of acute otitis media

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Otitis media acute otitis media, hemorrhagic otitis media, myringitis bullosa English: acute otitis media General information Acute inflammation of the middle ear is a frequently occurring disease, especially in children. It is caused by bacteria (such as streptococci or staphylococci) in about two thirds of cases and by viruses … Symptoms of acute otitis media

Complications | Symptoms of acute otitis media

Complications Complications that can occur in the course of an acute inflammation of the middle ear are usually recognised by specific symptoms. For example, the inflammation can affect not only the middle ear but also the inner ear, which is responsible for the transmission of sound information and for balance. Thus, an inflammation of the … Complications | Symptoms of acute otitis media