Forecast | Torn ligament

Forecast Simple ligament stretches usually heal within one to two weeks. If capsular ligaments are torn, conservative therapy results in scarred defect healing of the ligaments. In most cases, the scarred ligaments are sufficient to restore the original function. If the stability is not sufficient, this results in joint instability. In these cases, surgery should … Forecast | Torn ligament

Prophylaxis | Torn ligament

Prophylaxis A good training condition and careful warming up before sports activities minimise the risk of sprain/twisting and thus the risk of torn ligaments considerably, but cannot ultimately prevent twisting. Good footwear can prevent a torn ligament by providing sufficient stability. The higher the sports shoe, the more reliable the protection against ligament injury. However, … Prophylaxis | Torn ligament

Torn ligament

Introduction A torn ligament (synonym: rupture of the ligament) is, as the name suggests, a tear or break in a certain structure of the ligament. The ligament can be completely or only partially ruptured. Also the localization is variable, so that a rupture of the ligament is just as likely at the center as in … Torn ligament