Side effects | General Anesthesia

Side effects Like almost every medical procedure, general anesthesia is not free of side effects. Although one has a lot of experience with the procedure and it is well tolerated in the majority of cases, one should point out the most important side effects. The form and extent to which side effects occur after general … Side effects | General Anesthesia

Risks | General Anesthesia

Risks General anesthesia is a major intervention in the normal processes of the body and therefore also offers some risks. One risk with general anesthesia is a potentially difficult ventilation situation. This means that the supply of oxygen is not guaranteed. Also reactions of the cardiovascular system to the anaesthesia are possible and occur especially … Risks | General Anesthesia

General anesthesia during pregnancy | General Anesthesia

General anesthesia during pregnancy In certain situations it may be necessary to put a pregnant woman under general anesthesia in order to perform surgical procedures. If it can be prevented, and the surgery could be performed after pregnancy, general anesthesia is not usually performed during pregnancy. Nevertheless, in surgical emergencies, such as appendicitis or after … General anesthesia during pregnancy | General Anesthesia

General anesthesia for dementia | General Anesthesia

General anesthesia for dementia General anesthesia is always associated with an increased risk in dementia patients. This already becomes apparent during the planning of the anaesthesia, as the affected persons cannot make any reliable statements about their previous illnesses and medication. In addition, rules such as the fasting period before anesthesia are difficult to implement … General anesthesia for dementia | General Anesthesia


Synonyms in a broader sense Dimenhydrinate, H1-receptor blocker, antihistamine, antiemetic Other trade names: Vomacur, Reisefit, travel tablets, travel gold, Arlevert Introduction Vomex® is the trade name of a drug containing the active ingredient dimenhydrinate. Dimenhydrinate is a combination of the two individual components diphenhydramine and 8-chlorotheophylline. It is mainly used to treat nausea and vomiting, … Vomex®

Interactions with other drugs | Vomex®

Interactions with other drugs If additional medication is taken that prolongs the QT time in the heart (see package insert), cardiac arrhythmia may occur. Therefore, compatibility with other medications should be checked by a doctor or pharmacist. Together with alcohol, antidepressants, neuroleptics and strong (opioid-containing) painkillers and sleeping pills, the damping and sleep-promoting effect is … Interactions with other drugs | Vomex®

White deadnettle

Latin name: Lamium albumGenus: Labiate familyFolk names: Cuckoo nettle, Flower nettle Plant description The plant grows 40 to 50 cm high, the stem hollow and square, the leaves opposite, stalked, heart-shaped and toothed at the edges. Along the stem large, pure white labiates grow all around. Flowering time: April to October. Occurrence: Widespread along roadsides, … White deadnettle