Musculus iliopsoas

Synonyms Lumbar iliac muscle. To the thigh musculature overview To the musculature overview The muscle iliopsoas (lumbar iliac muscle) is a two-part, approx. 4 cm thick, elongated muscle consisting of the large lumbar muscle and the iliac muscle. It is one of the most important muscles in our body. Approach, Origin, Innervation Approach: Small trochanter … Musculus iliopsoas

Tapering of the M. iliopsoas | Musculus iliopsoas

Tapering of the M. iliopsoas A tape bandage is used in sports medicine, orthopedics and accident surgery both for prevention and therapy.It is a functional bandage that does not completely immobilize injured or endangered ligaments, joints and muscles, but merely prevents undesired movements. The effect is based, among other things, on the fact that any … Tapering of the M. iliopsoas | Musculus iliopsoas

Iliopsoa training with the expander | Musculus iliopsoas

Iliopsoa training with the expander Introduction The lumbar iliopsoas muscle (M. iliopsoas) is one of the most important muscles of our body and takes over the function of bending in the hip joint, and thus lifting the leg while walking. Elderly people often suffer from atrophied lumbar muscle and as a result have difficulty climbing … Iliopsoa training with the expander | Musculus iliopsoas

Short thigh puller

latin: M. adductor brevis To the thigh musculature overview To the musculature overview The short femoral adductor (Musculus adductor brevis) lies below the pectoralis muscle and the long femoral adductor. Further adductors of the thigh: Comb muscle (M. pectineus) Long femoral adductor (M. adductor longus) Large thigh extractor (M. adductor magnus) Slender muscle (M. gracilis) … Short thigh puller

M. semitendinosus

Synonyms german: Half Tendon Muscle To the thigh musculature overview To the musculature overview At the lower half of the thigh, on the tibial (shin) side, is the semitendinosus muscle Approach, Origin, Innervation Approach: Medial (body-centered) next to the tibial tuberosity (Tuberositas tibiae) Origin: ischial tuberosity (Tuber ischiadicum) Innervation: N. tibialis, L 4 – 5, … M. semitendinosus

Abbreviation | Lumbar iliac muscle (Musculus iliopsoas)

Abbreviation Athletes in whom the actual fibers and/or the tendon of the iliopsoas muscle are shortened experience significant movement restrictions in addition to the typical pain. Running is often hindered by the fact that the flexion of the hip joint is severely restricted. The pain caused by the shortened muscle also restricts athletic performance. Once … Abbreviation | Lumbar iliac muscle (Musculus iliopsoas)