How long does it take to heal when the finger is amputated? | Amputation of a finger

How long does it take to heal when the finger is amputated? It is not possible to make a general statement about how long the healing process takes after a finger amputation. This depends on many different factors, such as the cause of the amputation, the age of the patient and possible concomitant diseases (such … How long does it take to heal when the finger is amputated? | Amputation of a finger

Amputation of a finger

Definition Amputation of a finger is the separation of a finger from the body, for example as a result of an accident. Depending on which finger is affected and at what height the amputation takes place, there is a risk of functional impairment of the hand. In some cases, the finger can be reattached by … Amputation of a finger

What is the best way to behave when my partner is aggressive? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

What is the best way to behave when my partner is aggressive? Here too, understanding is essential. Those who carry such a vice on their shoulders, as depressive patients do, are understandably more easily irritated and react with aggression, especially when they do not understand their situation. Of course, these are not justified for the … What is the best way to behave when my partner is aggressive? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

What do I do if my partner withdraws during depression? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

What do I do if my partner withdraws during depression? Depression gives the affected person the feeling of being overwhelmed by worries and problems and not being able to do anything about it. This results in a lack of motivation and drive and often also in social withdrawal. If the person allows it, a distraction … What do I do if my partner withdraws during depression? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

What do I do with the desire for sexuality? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

What do I do with the desire for sexuality? Loss of libido is a symptom of depression and can also be a side effect of antidepressant medication. In a depressive episode, sexual activity usually has little priority for the person concerned. Of course, the relationship with the partner suffers from this. The situation becomes particularly … What do I do with the desire for sexuality? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

How do I deal with accusations? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

How do I deal with accusations? Accusations of not being taken seriously or understood are often heard as a member of a depressed person’s family, even if you make an effort to help your partner. The same applies here as for the aggressions described above: Keep calm, do not take it personally and talk about … How do I deal with accusations? | My partner has depression- What is the best way to help?

Prosthetic fitting

Psychological problems after amputation Amputations in the arm region cause greater functional and psychological disorders than those in the lower extremity. It is also more difficult to provide an optimal prosthetic fitting, since the demands on mobility cannot be met by the prosthesis in the same way as those on stability. The more extensive the … Prosthetic fitting

Leg prosthesis | Prosthetic fitting

Leg prosthesis In the area of the lower extremity, amputations from the hip joint (hip disarticulation) or in the case of amputations of the lower half of the body (hemicorporectomy) are particularly problematic after tumor diseases. The ability to walk after such operations can only be maintained in younger patients. For this purpose, it is … Leg prosthesis | Prosthetic fitting