Zinc Oxide

Products Zinc oxide is contained in zinc ointments, shaking mixtures, in sunscreens, skin care products, hemorrhoid ointments, baby care products, cosmetics and wound healing ointments, among others. Zinc oxide is also combined with other active ingredients in a fixed manner and traditionally numerous magistral formulations have been made with the active ingredient. Its medicinal use … Zinc Oxide

Zinc Sulfate

Products Zinc sulfate is commercially available as a gel for the treatment of cold sores (Lipactin, D: Virudermin). It is also sold as a proprietary preparation in some pharmacies (Zinci sulfatis hydrogel 0.1% FH). Hima Pasta is no longer available in many countries. Structure and properties Zinc sulfate is the zinc salt of sulfuric acid. … Zinc Sulfate


Products Tin is not commonly used in pharmacy and is usually rarely found in medicines. It is used primarily in alternative medicine in various dosage forms, for example in homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine. This usually under the name Stannum or Stannum metallicum (metallic tin). Also known is the tin ointment (Stannum metallicum unguentum). Tin should … Tin

Is Eating Mussels Always Safe?

The traditional recommendation that mussels should only be consumed in months with the letter “R” has traditional backgrounds. In our latitudes, mussels are in season from September to April and are mainly offered from German and Dutch harvests. Shellfish poisoning only occurs in hot months (without the letter “R”) because algae bloom in these months … Is Eating Mussels Always Safe?


Products Zanamivir is commercially available as a dischaler for powder inhalation (Relenza). It has been approved in many countries since 1999. Zanamivir is far less well known than oseltamivir (Tamiflu), probably mainly because of its more complicated administration. Structure and properties Zanamivir (C12H20N4O7, Mr = 332.3 g/mol) exists as a white powder. It has a … Zanamivir


Products Ziconotide is commercially available as an infusion solution (Prialt). It has been approved in many countries since 2006. Structure and properties Ziconotide (C102H172N36O32S7, Mr = 2639 g/mol) is a peptide of 25 amino acids with three disulfide bridges. It is a synthetic analog of the ω-conopeptide MVIIA, which occurs in the venom of the … Ziconotide

Zidovudine (AZT)

Products Zidovudine is commercially available as film-coated tablets, capsules, and syrup (Retrovir AZT, combination products). It was approved in 1987 as the first AIDS drug. Structure and properties Zidovudine (C10H13N5O4, Mr = 267.2 g/mol) or 3-azido-3-deoxythymidine (AZT) is an analog of thymidine. It exists as an odorless, white to beige, crystalline substance that is soluble … Zidovudine (AZT)

Goat Butter Ointment

Products In many countries, Caprisana, among other products, is available in pharmacies and drugstores. Structure and properties Goat butter is made from goat milk and consists of the milk fat. In addition to butter, ointments usually contain essential oils and excipients. Effects Goat butter ointments (ATC M02AX10) have circulation-enhancing, skin-conditioning, and pain-relieving properties. Indications For … Goat Butter Ointment


Products Zileuton is commercially available in the United States in tablet and powder form (Zyflo). It is not currently approved in many countries. Structure and properties Zileuton (C11H12N2O2S, Mr = 236.3 g/mol) is an almost odorless, white, crystalline powder that is practically insoluble in water. It exists as a racemate. Both enantiomers are pharmacologically active. … Zileuton


Products Cinnamaldehyde is found, for example, in cinnamon bark, cinnamon oil, cosmetics, personal care products and foods. Structure Cinnamaldehyde (C9H8O, Mr = 132.2 g/mol) exists as a yellow and viscous liquid with an odor of cinnamon that is sparingly soluble in water. It is a natural substance found in cinnamon and its essential oil and … Cinnamaldehyde


Products Medicines containing oxilofrine are not commercially available in many countries. In some countries, it has been marketed in the form of drops and dragées (Carnigen). Structure and properties Oxilofrin (C10H15NO2, Mr = 181.2 g/mol) is present in drugs as oxilofrine hydrochloride and is also known as methylsynephrine. It is structurally related to ephedrine and … Oxilofrin