Impingement syndrome: Definition, forms

Brief overview Definition: entrapment of tissue in narrowed joint space; permanent restriction of mobility Forms: Primary impingement syndrome based on change in bone structure; secondary impingement syndrome triggered by other disease or injury Diagnosis: Medical history, physical examination, imaging procedures (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound) Treatment: Depending on the type and severity of impingement, conservative therapy (physiotherapy, … Impingement syndrome: Definition, forms

Shoulder impingement syndrome

Brief overview Definition: painful entrapment of tissue in the joint space of the shoulder that permanently restricts mobility Symptoms: The main symptom is pain, especially with certain movements and heavier loads; later, there is often restricted movement of the shoulder joint Causes: Primary impingement syndrome is caused by a change in the bone structure; secondary … Shoulder impingement syndrome

Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? | Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Pain

Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? In shoulder impingement syndrome, the muscle and strength build-up of the muscles surrounding the shoulder as well as the maintenance and improvement of mobility are very important for the success of the therapy. For this reason, sports may also be done with a shoulder impingement syndrome, but … Is it allowed to do sports despite pain? | Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Pain

Painkillers | Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Pain

Painkillers In the case of shoulder impingement syndrome, it may be advisable to take painkillers at times in addition to physiotherapy. Anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac are particularly recommended for severe pain, but they should not be regarded as a long-term therapy as they cannot eliminate the cause of the pain. Their anti-inflammatory … Painkillers | Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Pain

Pain during simple strengthening exercises | Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Pain

Pain during simple strengthening exercises In order to avoid further damage and inflammation of the tendon, these stresses should be avoided to a large extent. Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that strengthening exercises, even as part of physiotherapy, may lead to slight muscle tension and pain, but these should no longer be present after … Pain during simple strengthening exercises | Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Pain

Exercises for shoulder impingement | Shoulder Impingement – exercises

Exercises for shoulder impingement It is important not to cause any pain during the exercise. Perform the exercises 15-20 times in 3-5 series. Use weights such as dumbbells, Theraband or bottles to help you. First and foremost, make sure that the exercise is performed correctly. Only then can you add or increase weights. The back … Exercises for shoulder impingement | Shoulder Impingement – exercises

Therapy for shoulder impingement | Shoulder Impingement – exercises

Therapy for shoulder impingement Due to the insufficient musculature in the case of shoulder impingement, physiotherapy is therefore always the first choice as a conservative therapy. This allows the muscles to be strengthened in a targeted manner. Massages can ease tension and reduce pain. Manual therapy can also relieve the joint by gently pulling on … Therapy for shoulder impingement | Shoulder Impingement – exercises

Aftercare after surgery | Shoulder Impingement – exercises

Aftercare after surgery From the first postoperative day, physiotherapy begins with passive movement and loosening exercises to move and maintain the mobility of the shoulder. In some cases, a motor-driven movement splint is also used, which passively moves the operated arm. In most cases, the arm is carried in an arm sling in the time … Aftercare after surgery | Shoulder Impingement – exercises

Summary | Shoulder Impingement – exercises

Summary Overloading and degenerative processes can lead to insufficiency of the stabilizing muscles of the humeral head. As a result, structures that lie in between can be compressed and pain can occur during movement, which can be alleviated by strengthening and protecting the shoulder muscles. If there is minimal or no success, a minimally invasive … Summary | Shoulder Impingement – exercises