Coordination and balance training for the lumbar spine | Physiotherapy coordination and balance training

Coordination and balance training for the lumbar spine

Exercise Lumbar 1. bend one leg upwards and hold it there. You stretch your arms forward and imagine that a piano is standing in front of you. Tap with your fingers from the middle to the outermost keys.

To do this, move your upper body far to the side and try to get even the most distant keys. Stretch out your arms as far as you can. Change sides and feel your way to the other side.

Exercise Lumbar spine 2: Pull one leg up and hold it up. Make your back straight and bend your arms sideways at shoulder level. Tilt your upper body backwards and make sure that your back remains straight.

Walk as far as you can. Hold this position. Exercise LWS 3 You have an imaginary ball in both hands and lift one leg.

Hold it up and extend your arms to the side. Imagine that you want to pass the ball to a person behind you. Keep your arms at shoulder level and walk with your upper body far to the side.

Exercise Lumbar Spine 4. Raise one leg and keep it up. Extend your arms forward and make a hump.

Bring your arms up to the ceiling while keeping your back straight. Go back down with your upper body and round your back again. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise Lumbar 5. Put one foot in front of the other. The heel bone of the front foot is placed just in front of the toes of the back foot.

You have a ball in your hand and simply throw it from one hand to the other. To get an increase, throw the ball higher and higher. These topics may also be of interest to you:

  • Agility training
  • Physiotherapy for back pain
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Coordination and balance training for BWS

Exercise BWS 1. you are in one-legged position and tilt the upper body forward and the lifted leg backward. The arms are stretched out to the side. Now make small, fast circular movements with your arms.

Your legs form a line with your upper body. Press your shoulders down and back to your ears. Do this balance and coordination exercise and continue to perform the arm movements.

Exercise BWS 2 You lie on a Pezzi ball with your stomach and legs stretched out. Bend your arms sideways. The back remains straight, upper body and legs should always form a line.

Now stretch your arms upwards and pull them down again. Bring the arms up again and repeat this. Exercise BWS 3 You bend one leg and hold it up.Make a hump and let the arms hang loosely at the sides.

If you straighten your upper body and make your back straight, bring your arms sideways to the ceiling. When you make your back round again, lower your arms to the sides. Exercise BWS 4: You are standing on one leg and have a ball in both hands.

Your arms are extended upwards. Now move your arms and upper body as far as possible to the side. Hold briefly and then return to starting position.

Now change sides. Exercise BWS 5. you are in the push-up position. However, the upper body is supported by the forearms.

Now raise one arm to the side and follow it with your upper body and face upwards as far as possible. Go down again with the bent arm and change sides. You can find more exercises for strengthening the BWS under:

  • Physiotherapy Bechterew’s disease
  • Vibration training