Therapy | Skin rash on the hands

Therapy First you should try to find out the origin of the rash on your hands. You should first ask yourself the following question: Often the answers can provide initial clues. In any case, it is advisable to strictly avoid potentially triggering factors. These include soaps, cleaning agents, oils, solvents and chemicals. In principle, however, … Therapy | Skin rash on the hands


Definition Carbamazepine is a drug that is mainly used to treat epilepsy. Carbamazepine has also been shown to be effective in certain forms of pain – particularly so-called neuropathic pain, which is caused by damage to nerve cells – and in mental disorders such as mania, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. This paper, … Carbamazepine

Ringed rubella skin rash

Definition The ringed rubella is one of the well-known childhood diseases and therefore occurs mainly in kindergarten and school age. But also adults with close contact to children can easily become infected. The disease is very contagious, but usually runs without complications. Ringel rubella is a viral infection that occurs particularly frequently in spring and … Ringed rubella skin rash

Differences between children and adults | Ringed rubella skin rash

Differences between children and adults Adolescents and adults seldom fall ill with ringworm, as they usually have built up immunity as children. If an infection does occur, the symptoms are somewhat different than in children: Teenagers usually do not have the typical garland-shaped rash, but a rash that only spreads to the hands and feet, … Differences between children and adults | Ringed rubella skin rash

With the child | Skin rash on lower leg

With the child The most common childhood skin rashes are associated with the typical childhood diseases measles, rubella, chickenpox, rubella ringworm or scarlet fever. The lower legs are often also affected by these rashes, but not exclusively. Thanks to successful vaccinations, measles, rubella and chickenpox are increasingly rare nowadays. Neurodermatitis is a disease that manifests … With the child | Skin rash on lower leg

Duration | Skin rash on lower leg

Duration The duration of a rash depends strongly on the cause and whether a sufficient therapy is initiated or is available. For example, an allergic rash can heal within about two weeks if the triggering agent is identified and avoided. Congestive dermatitis, however, will remain until the venous insufficiency has been eliminated. Other rashes, such … Duration | Skin rash on lower leg