Massage: Massage Techniques

Classic massage, also known as Swedish massage, is the most common type of massage. The classical massage is used especially by physiotherapists to treat hardening and tension of the muscles and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In classical massage, a distinction is made between five different grips. 5 different massage grips Effleurage (stroking): this particularly … Massage: Massage Techniques

Multiple Pterygium Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Multiple pterygium syndrome is present in patients with numerous airskin-like folds of mucosa or skin. Several forms are distinguished. No causal therapy exists to date. What is multiple pterygium syndrome? “Pterygium” literally translates as “wing fur.” This medical term refers to a physical abnormality that is manifested by folds of skin and mucous membrane similar … Multiple Pterygium Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment