Cold and nausea – What can be behind it?


A cold is caused by viruses. In most cases these are the typical cold viruses – the rhinoviruses. The infection causes the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and respiratory tract to become inflamed and lead to the typical symptoms of a cold. The viruses can also enter the gastrointestinal tract, which can also cause mild nausea. Nausea with a cold is normal and usually does not need further treatment.

Why do colds and nausea occur together so often?

A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to the typical symptoms such as sore throat, rhinitis and cough. Occasionally a slight nausea (nausea) also occurs. The cold viruses can spread via the throat and pharynx into the gastrointestinal tract, where they can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

As a result, those affected experience an unpleasant sensation in the area of the stomach, nausea. In most cases, the nausea caused by a cold is only mildly pronounced, but sometimes it can also lead to severe nausea and vomiting. If diarrhoea also occurs, this indicates an additional bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract.

The mucous membrane is already damaged by the cold viruses and can therefore be more easily colonized by pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrhea. If a cold causes diarrhoea that persists for several days, a doctor should be consulted. Treatment with antibiotics may then be necessary.

Causes of nausea during a cold

The fact that slight nausea can also often occur during a cold is due to the fact that the cold viruses get into the stomach from the upper airways by being swallowed. The stomach lining reacts to this with small inflammations that cause nausea. The inflammation causes immune cells in the body to release messenger substances that signal the brain to trigger the nausea.

The nausea is a protective reflex of the body to get rid of pathogenic substances. The feeling of nausea can be intensified by a blocked nose and the associated difficulty in breathing. Other causes of nausea with colds can be bacterial infections in the throat and throat area, a flu-like illness or earaches.