Duration of an inflammation of the vocal cords

Introduction There are two forms of vocal cord inflammation (lat. Laryngitis): On the one hand there is an acute and on the other hand a chronic (permanent) vocal chord inflammation. An acute vocal chord inflammation is shorter in duration and generally has a good prognosis. The duration of chronic vocal chord inflammation is rather long. … Duration of an inflammation of the vocal cords

The time until you are allowed to speak again | Duration of an inflammation of the vocal cords

The time until you are allowed to speak again The protection of the voice is particularly important in acute laryngitis (inflammation of the kelhkopfen). It is very important that those affected do not clear their throat. Whispering should also be avoided, as this puts even more mechanical strain on the already strained vocal folds. In … The time until you are allowed to speak again | Duration of an inflammation of the vocal cords

Swollen joints

Definition With a swollen joint, various structures in the joint area may be swollen, such as ligaments, tendons or capsules. Often, a swollen joint is also caused by fluid retention in the joint cavity, which is called articular effusion. An effusion is usually caused by an injury or inflammation. Depending on the cause, the accumulated … Swollen joints

Associated symptoms | Swollen joints

Associated symptoms The swollen joint is usually accompanied by movement-related pain and movement restrictions. Often there is also a sensitivity to pressure in the area surrounding the joint. If an inflammation is the trigger, the five cardinal signs of inflammation can often be observed: Swelling, overheating, redness, pain and limited function. If fever accompanies the … Associated symptoms | Swollen joints

Diagnosis | Swollen joints

Diagnosis Frequently, no treatment is necessary for a swollen joint and the swelling disappears on its own after a few days. Above all, it is important to take care of the affected joint. This is especially true for joint swelling caused by overloading or injury. Cold applications are often used to support this process. For … Diagnosis | Swollen joints

Swollen joints especially on hand fingers | Swollen joints

Swollen joints especially on hand fingers Straight one thinks straight with joint swellings at the fingers or hands, often of rheumatic illnesses like the rheumatoide Arthritis. A joint swelling caused by a joint injury occurs less frequently on the hand/fingers than for example on the knee or ankle. Unfortunately, rheumatic diseases often manifest themselves on … Swollen joints especially on hand fingers | Swollen joints

Fast thumb

Introduction The disease of a rapid thumb (medical: Tendovaginosis stenosans) describes a pathological, inflammatory change of a certain tendon of the hand. It falls under the clinical picture of a tendosynovitis and is usually caused by overloading the flexor tendon of the thumb. Overloading causes the tendon to thicken and so-called tendon nodules to form. … Fast thumb

Symptoms | Fast thumb

Symptoms A distinction must be made between conservative and surgical therapy of the rapid thumb. Conservative therapy: Conservative therapy is based primarily on sparing the affected tendon and taking anti-inflammatory medication. Injecting cortisone into the tendon sheath of the affected tendon can also help to treat the disease and improve the symptoms. Especially in early … Symptoms | Fast thumb

Diagnosis | Fast thumb

Diagnosis At the beginning of the diagnosis of a quick-acting thumb there is a detailed doctor-patient conversation. Due to the typical symptoms, the suspected diagnosis of a quickening thumb can usually be made very quickly. In addition, there is the examination of the thumb, where the problem can often be felt. Before the therapy of … Diagnosis | Fast thumb

Back bruise after a fall

Definition A bruise is medically called a contusion. It is an injury caused by blunt force, usually without any skin damage. A contusion is characterized by a dull pain that can worsen depending on movement. The bruising of the tissue causes damage to smaller vessels, lymphatic fluid and blood occur, and bruising and swelling often … Back bruise after a fall

Duration of complaints after back bruising | Back bruise after a fall

Duration of complaints after back bruising How long a back bruise after a fall is painful and hinders daily activities and the practice of sports depends on the extent of the injury. Among other things, the height from which the fall occurred and the nature of the impact level are decisive. When falling onto an … Duration of complaints after back bruising | Back bruise after a fall