Prognosis | Folded foot for children

Prognosis As a rule, children with buckling feet have a good healing process and therefore have a good prognosis. Even without surgical intervention, the malposition can be corrected quite quickly by conservative treatment measures. With early diagnosis and rapid initiation of a suitable therapy, there is hardly any evidence of late effects in the affected … Prognosis | Folded foot for children

Diseases of the foot

There are many different clinical pictures around the foot, which can have many different causes. For example, restrictions in the foot area can be caused by injuries, age-related wear and tear, or can be congenital. Below you will find an overview of the most common diseases of the foot: Traumatic diseases of the foot Inflammatory … Diseases of the foot

Inflammatory diseases of the foot | Diseases of the foot

Inflammatory diseases of the foot Degenerative diseases The heel spur denotes a bony projection or extension. The heel spur is a common, degenerative (wear-related) disease. The frequency of the heel spur increases with age. Foot malpositions Further topics around the foot Two very similar diseases are summarized as Morbus Köhler. Köhler’s disease I is the … Inflammatory diseases of the foot | Diseases of the foot

Inflammations with a splayfoot

In the clinical picture of splayfeet, the even load distribution on the foot is damaged. This results in overloading or incorrect loading, especially of the metatarsal head. If an inflammation develops in the joint between the tarsal and metatarsal bones (Articulatio tarsometatarsalis, Lisfranc joint) or in the metatarsophalangeal joints (Articulationes metatarsophalangeales), the stability of the … Inflammations with a splayfoot