Ginger | Heartburn home remedy

Ginger The regular consumption of fresh ginger in various dishes, pure or as a tea preparation can have a preventive effect against heartburn. Ginger inhibits the production of gastric acid and soothes the stomach lining. Furthermore, the pungent substances contained in ginger stimulate the stomach passage. This means that food is transported out of the … Ginger | Heartburn home remedy

Milk Yoghurt | Heartburn home remedy

Milk Yoghurt Milk is considered a popular and well-known household remedy against heartburn. It has been proven that milk calms the throat after heartburn. The pH value of milk is about 6.5 and is slightly acidic.However, compared to stomach acid (pH between 1.5-4.5), it has a neutralizing effect, so milk can help with heartburn. However, … Milk Yoghurt | Heartburn home remedy

Diaphragmatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diaphragritis is basically an inflammation of muscles in the area of the diaphragm. The inflammation of the muscles usually assumes a localized extent. What is diaphragritis? In modern medicine, the diaphragm is given a particularly high degree of importance. For this reason, diaphragmatitis can sometimes assume life-threatening proportions. Anatomically, the diaphragm consists of both muscles … Diaphragmatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Stomach pain after alcohol in connection with nausea | Stomach pain after alcohol

Stomach pain after alcohol in connection with nausea Besides stomach pain, nausea is one of the most common complaints after drinking alcohol. Of course, nausea can also occur without stomach pain, simply because of the effect of alcohol. However, if both complaints are present in combination, it is possible that the irritation of the stomach … Stomach pain after alcohol in connection with nausea | Stomach pain after alcohol

Stomach pain after alcohol

Introduction Stomach pains often occur after drinking alcohol the evening before. Stomach pain is described as a burning or stinging sensation in the upper abdomen or behind the esophagus. The consumption of alcohol stimulates the stomach to produce more gastric acid, which leads to the characteristic pain. A combination of alcohol and nicotine consumption can … Stomach pain after alcohol

What helps with stomach pain after alcohol? | Stomach pain after alcohol

What helps with stomach pain after alcohol? If the stomach aches occur only occasionally after drinking alcohol and are not felt to be too strong, basic measures can be taken to stop the symptoms. This includes drinking sufficient chamomile tea or still water (no highly carbonated drinks such as fizzy or soft drinks, and no … What helps with stomach pain after alcohol? | Stomach pain after alcohol

Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea can be caused by various causes. A gastrointestinal disease can be as much a trigger as food intolerances, stomach irritation, nervousness or pregnancy. To alleviate nausea, numerous home remedies have proven particularly effective. What helps against nausea? A freshly prepared sage tea has stomach-soothing properties and is therefore a good choice for nausea. Because … Home Remedies for Nausea