Sunburn: Prevention and treatment

Sunburn: Description Sunburn (dermatitis solaris) is an acute inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin, accompanied by a visible reddening of the skin and even blistering. The cause is too much UV radiation (especially UV-B radiation) – regardless of whether it comes from the sun or an artificial source of radiation. The radiation damage … Sunburn: Prevention and treatment


Products Quinisocaine was commercially available in many countries as an ointment (isoquinol) since 1973. In 2013, distribution was discontinued. Structure and properties Quinisocaine (C17H24N2O, Mr = 272.4 g/mol) is an isoquinoline derivative and is present in the drug as quinisocaine hydrochloride. It is classified as an amide-type local anesthetic. Effects Quinisocaine (ATC D04AB05) has local … Quinisocaine

The Right Skin Care in the Summer

The power of the sun is underestimated by most people. As soon as the first warm rays reach the earth, many rush out lightly dressed for sunbathing. Few are aware of the danger posed by UVA and UVB radiation. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to find the best possible protection for your own skin … The Right Skin Care in the Summer


Products Benoxaprofen was commercially available in tablet form (Oraflex, Opren) beginning in 1980. It was withdrawn from the market again in August 1982 because of the numerous adverse effects reported. Structure and properties Benoxaprofen (C16H12ClNO3, Mr = 301.7 g/mol) is a chlorinated benzoxazole derivative and exists as a racemate. It belongs to the propionic acid … Benoxaprofen

Home Pharmacy

Tips The composition is individual and depends on the people in the household. Consider special patient groups and their needs: Babies, children, pregnant women, elderly (contraindications, interactions). Check expiration dates annually, return expired remedies to the pharmacy. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature, closed and dry (not in the bathroom where … Home Pharmacy

Skin Care Products

Fields of application Skin diseases: Dry skin Dehydration eczema Itching Atopic dermatitis Psoriasis Skin care Sunburn More

Plant Galls

Stem plant e.g. oak. Medicinal drug Plant galls are growth abnormalities caused in plants (especially leaves) by insects, e.g., by the oviposition of the gall wasp or by aphids; cf. figure. Gall apple – Galla: The gall produced by the female gall wasp Hartig on leaf buds of (PH 4) – no longer officinal today. … Plant Galls


Products Foams are commercially available as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics (personal care products), medical devices, and foods. Some examples are listed below: Rectal foam containing budesonide or mesalazine for inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis of the rectum). Glucocorticoids and calcipotriol in psoriasis of the skin or scalp. Minoxidil for the treatment of androgenetic hair loss. No drugs: … Foams


Products In many countries, drugs containing promethazine are currently no longer on the market. The last product to be withdrawn from the market was Rhinathiol promethazine with the expectorant carbocisteine on January 31, 2009. However, medicines are still available in many countries. The original drug is Phenergan. Promethazine was developed in the 1940s at Rhône-Poulenc, … Promethazine

Home Remedies for Sunburn

If the hot summer leaves its mark in the form of sunburn on the skin, it is not necessary to visit a doctor or a pharmacy for this. In your own kitchen, some natural and inexpensive home remedies against sunburn are ready to lower such an unwanted “hot body” back to tolerable temperatures. What helps … Home Remedies for Sunburn