Titanium Dioxide

Products Pure titanium dioxide is available in pharmacies and drugstores. It is found in numerous processed products. Structure and properties Titanium dioxide (TiO2, Mr = 79.9 g/mol) is the oxide of the metal titanium, which occurs in various natural minerals. It exists as a white, non-hygroscopic, odorless, tasteless, and stable powder that is practically insoluble … Titanium Dioxide

The right treatment for skin cancer | Skin cancer – Early detection and treatment

The right treatment for skin cancer Therapy of malignant melanoma: The therapy of malignant melanoma focuses on the surgical removal of the diseased tissue. Depending on the size of the findings, the exact therapy is adapted. Skin cancer that is only superficially present is removed with a safety margin of half a centimeter. If the … The right treatment for skin cancer | Skin cancer – Early detection and treatment

Aging Skin

Symptoms As we age, our skin is no longer the same as the skin we received as infants. The main characteristics of aging skin include: Loss of elasticity and shine, pallor, sagging. Dry skin, rough skin, loss of barrier function, itching. Susceptibility to skin diseases, eg benign and malignant neoplasms, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, … Aging Skin

Urticaria: Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Urticaria is a skin disorder that manifests itself in the following symptoms: Temporary wheals with a diameter of millimeters to centimeters, which recede on their own within minutes to hours. Itching, burning and redness of the skin. Angioedema, which is a swelling of the lower skin or mucosal tissue that may be accompanied by … Urticaria: Causes and Treatment

Melasma: Chloasma

Chloasma (Greek chloazein = to be green; melasma: Greek melas = black; pregnancy spots; ICD-10: L81.1) refers to a circumscribed benign (benign) hyperpigmentation that occurs on the face. The condition is more common in people with dark skin type (skin type III-IV according to Fitzpatrick). Age of manifestation (first age of onset): 20-40 years; average … Melasma: Chloasma

Milia: Grains of Semolina

Milia (singular milium, Latin “millet (grain)”; synonyms: Hautgries; semolina grains; Hautmilien, semolina grains; ICD-10 L72.0) are small white cysts filled with whitish horny beads. They have no overt connection to the skin surface. Milia are harmless skin lesions. However, they are often perceived as a cosmetic problem. They occur in young adults, especially women. Infants … Milia: Grains of Semolina

Onychomycosis: Nail Fungus

In onychomycosis (synonyms: Mycosis of the nails; Nail fungus (onychomycosis); Tinea unguium; ICD-10 B35.1: Tinea unguium) is the fungus of the fingernails or toenails (nail fungus) caused by dermatophytes. The toenails are affected about four times more frequently. There is always an additional tinea pedis (athlete’s foot). Onychomycosis is the most common disease of the … Onychomycosis: Nail Fungus

Puberty Striae: Puberty Striae

Puberty striae are skin stretch marks (striae distensae). Stretch marks often form during puberty, largely due to rapid weight gain on the chest, abdomen, buttocks, or thighs. Symptoms – Complaints Puberty stripes are initially bluish-reddish in color, but later fade and remain as whitish-yellowish sunken stripes on the skin.Localization: preferentially the abdomen, hips, gluteal region … Puberty Striae: Puberty Striae