Specific symptoms in women | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Specific symptoms in women The symptoms in women are identical to those of men. Especially in women from menopause onwards, the symptoms are often due to a hormonal change in the body. If the symptoms mentioned above occur during pregnancy or when taking oral contraceptives, they may also be the cause of the symptoms. They … Specific symptoms in women | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms in children | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms in children In general, high blood pressure in children can also go completely asymptomatic for years. Therefore, if symptoms such as recurring headaches, dizziness, reduced performance, ringing in the ears, frequent nosebleeds, sleep disturbances, atypical nausea and vomiting and even visual disturbances occur, the blood pressure should be measured and clarified on three different … Symptoms in children | Symptoms of high blood pressure