The Price | The Thyme

The Price The price of medical products that contain thyme can vary greatly. The price of these products depends, among other things, on how the active ingredient was processed or how and in what quantity it is present. The cheapest products can be purchased from about two euros. The most expensive products are in the … The Price | The Thyme


Synonyms in a broader sense Dimenhydrinate, H1-receptor blocker, antihistamine, antiemetic Other trade names: Vomacur, Reisefit, travel tablets, travel gold, Arlevert Introduction Vomex® is the trade name of a drug containing the active ingredient dimenhydrinate. Dimenhydrinate is a combination of the two individual components diphenhydramine and 8-chlorotheophylline. It is mainly used to treat nausea and vomiting, … Vomex®

Interactions with other drugs | Vomex®

Interactions with other drugs If additional medication is taken that prolongs the QT time in the heart (see package insert), cardiac arrhythmia may occur. Therefore, compatibility with other medications should be checked by a doctor or pharmacist. Together with alcohol, antidepressants, neuroleptics and strong (opioid-containing) painkillers and sleeping pills, the damping and sleep-promoting effect is … Interactions with other drugs | Vomex®