The therapy of ADS

Synonyms Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Syndrome, Fidgety Philipp Syndrome Introduction ADS, the attention deficit syndrome, is the German name for ADD, the “Atention Deficit Disorder”. While the hyperactive variant of ADHD affects children who can hardly hide their attention deficit and appear through inattentive impulsive behaviour, introverted inattentive … The therapy of ADS

What therapeutic approaches are available without medication? | The therapy of ADS

What therapeutic approaches are available without medication? Physical, occupational and other physical therapies Physical activity has a direct influence on cognitive performance, this approach can therefore improve concentration and other aspects Psychotherapy To increase well-being and avoid common associated psychological problems, thus improving quality of life despite symptoms Diet, lifestyle To support physical and mental … What therapeutic approaches are available without medication? | The therapy of ADS

Who bears the costs for the therapy? | The therapy of ADS

Who bears the costs for the therapy? The usual treatment measures such as medication or physiotherapy are standard services provided by health insurance companies. Some special services are also covered by the insurance companies if the doctor gives a detailed explanation. However, alternative and completely new procedures are usually paid for by the patient himself. … Who bears the costs for the therapy? | The therapy of ADS

Yoga for ADD

Synonyms in a broader sense Relaxation techniques, Hatha – Yoga, Yoga, Iyengar – Yoga, physical and mental relaxation, stress management, relaxation and breathing techniques, deep relaxation, quick relaxation, meditation, ADHD, ADHD, positive self-influence, lack of concentration Definition and description Yoga is a very old relaxation technique, whose roots are first in India and therefore religiously … Yoga for ADD

Other forms of relaxation | Yoga for ADD

Other forms of relaxation The muscle relaxation according to Jacobson represents another relaxation therapy, which was developed at about the same time as autogenic training by the American Jacobson. While autogenic training is based more on imagination, Jacobson’s muscle relaxation involves specific and concrete muscle exercises. Another form of relaxation is meditation, in which the … Other forms of relaxation | Yoga for ADD


Introduction The term Yoga is a 3000-5000 year old teaching originating from India, which consists of breathing exercises, meditations and the physical exercises also known in the West. Yoga is enjoying increasing popularity, which can be measured by the growing number of yoga studios. In addition to the sporty aspect of the asanas (exercises), yoga … Yoga

Against which diseases or symptoms can Yoga be used? | Yoga

Against which diseases or symptoms can Yoga be used? There are numerous studies on yoga that deal with the positive effects on body and mind. While orthodox medicine mainly focuses on the treatment by medication or interventions against physical ailments, yoga can be seen as a supplement. It has been proven that regular yoga exercises … Against which diseases or symptoms can Yoga be used? | Yoga

What are the benefits of Yoga during pregnancy? | Yoga

What are the benefits of Yoga during pregnancy? In principle, yoga can also be practiced during pregnancy if there are no medical complications. However, it depends on the individual circumstances, so pregnant women should consult their gynecologist beforehand to find out whether and which yoga exercises can be performed. Typical pregnancy complaints can be alleviated … What are the benefits of Yoga during pregnancy? | Yoga