Therapy | Baby rash

Therapy The basis of a suitable therapy for baby rashes is the clarification of the exact cause of the disease and the appropriate skin care for the baby. If it is an allergic skin rash, it is essential to avoid the allergen in the future and to prevent the immune reaction with suitable medication. Skin … Therapy | Baby rash

Skin rash with red spots

Synonyms exanthema, rash red spots Definition In medicine, the term skin rash means the sudden appearance of irritated and/or inflamed areas of the body. Skin rashes with red spots can basically occur on any surface of the body and in many cases are accompanied by itching. Symptoms A skin rash is accompanied by a general … Skin rash with red spots

Red spots on the body with fever | Red spots on the body

Red spots on the body with fever Practically all febrile viral diseases can cause a rash with red spots as an accompanying symptom. Classical diseases with fever and red spots are the purpura Schönlein-Henoch, chickenpox, measles, hand-foot-mouth disease, three-day fever and rubella. These occur mainly in children, but can also occur in adults. During pregnancy … Red spots on the body with fever | Red spots on the body

Red spots on the body

A red spot on the skin is called a “macula” in the terminology of dermatologists, several red spots are called “maculae”. Maculae are not to be palpated above the level of the skin, which means that when palpating the skin with closed eyes, it is not possible to determine where the boundaries of the red … Red spots on the body