TSH Receptor Antibody | TSH

TSH Receptor Antibody TSH receptor antibodies are, as the name suggests, antibodies against the TSH receptor. These antibodies are produced by a faulty activation of the immune system and bind to the TSH receptor – usually with a stimulating effect. By binding, the antibodies mimic the action of TSH and thus increase the production and … TSH Receptor Antibody | TSH

Multiple endocrine neoplasia

All information given here is of general nature only, a tumor therapy always belongs in the hands of an experienced oncologist! Synonyms Medical: Hormone producing tumor Introduction Multiple endocrine neoplasia is an autosomal dominant inherited disease. It is associated with hormone release and is a rare syndrome. MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia) manifests itself in different … Multiple endocrine neoplasia

Parathyroid gland | Multiple endocrine neoplasia

Parathyroid gland The parathyroid gland produces the parathyroid hormone. This hormone regulates the calcium and phosphate balance in the body and is responsible for bone formation and breakdown. According to this function, a tumor of the parathyroid gland can lead to an imbalance of calcium and phosphate. Symptomatically, this leads to a significantly increased urge … Parathyroid gland | Multiple endocrine neoplasia

Thyroid Removal

Definition The thyroid gland is located in the front part of the neck directly in front of the windpipe. It consists of 2 lobes and is mainly responsible for the human metabolism as well as for the calcium supply for the bones. This is regulated by the production of certain hormones. Various diseases affecting the … Thyroid Removal

Hashimoto | Thyroid Removal

Hashimoto Hashimoto is an autoimmune thyroid disease in which the body produces antibodies against its own thyroid tissue, thereby destroying the thyroid gland. This often causes the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as slow heartbeat (bradycardia), constipation, fatigue and weight gain. In some cases, however, the disease also proceeds without symptoms. The thyroid gland can produce … Hashimoto | Thyroid Removal

Consequences of a thyroidectomy | Thyroid Removal

Consequences of a thyroidectomy After thyroidectomy, some tests must be performed to evaluate the success of the operation. The first thing to be checked is whether the so-called recurrent nerve (laryngeal nerve) was damaged during the operation. Damage would be noticeable as hoarseness in a limited speech function. However, hoarseness after surgery can also occur … Consequences of a thyroidectomy | Thyroid Removal

Scintigraphy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Scintigraphy (also: scintigraphy) is an imaging procedure in medicine. With the help of the injection of low-level radioactive substances and a gamma camera, certain tissue structures can be made visible. What is scintigraphy? Scintigraphy uses an injection of low-level radioactive material and a gamma camera to make certain tissue structures visible. Scintigraphy is used primarily … Scintigraphy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Thyrostatic Drugs: Effects, Uses & Risks

Thyrostatic drugs are active substances that intervene inhibitory in the hormone metabolism of the thyroid gland and are mainly used in various forms of hyperthyroidism. In addition to pharmaceutical thyrostatic agents, some herbal or homeopathic substances also exist, but they should be considered therapeutically only in mild hyperthyroidism. What are thyrostatic agents? Extracts or extracts … Thyrostatic Drugs: Effects, Uses & Risks

Diseases of the thyroid gland

Below you will find an overview and short explanation of the most important thyroid gland diseases. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ at the front of the neck and produces the vital thyroid hormones T3 and T4, which mainly regulate the body’s energy metabolism. Classification of thyroid diseases In the following you will find … Diseases of the thyroid gland