Throat, Nose and Ears

When there is a disease of the throat, nose or ears, the three body parts are usually treated together. This is due to the many connections that exist between these important organs. What is the structure and function of the ear, nose and throat, what diseases are common and how are they diagnosed and treated … Throat, Nose and Ears


Products Indometacin is commercially available as sustained-release capsules, indometacin eye drops (Indophtal), and solution for application (Elmetacin). This article refers to oral administration. The sustained-release capsules have been on the market in many countries since 1995 (Indocid, generic). Structure and properties Indomethacin (C19H16ClNO4, Mr = 357.8 g/mol) is an indoleacetic acid derivative. It exists as … Indometacin


Products Medicines containing Caroverin are currently no longer available in many countries. Calmavérine is out of commerce. Structure and properties Caroverin (C22H27N3O2, Mr = 365.5 g/mol) Effects Caroverin (ATC A03AX11) is spasmolytic on smooth muscle with predominantly musculotropic effects. Indications Spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, urinary tract, and female genital tract in dysmenorrhea. … Caroverin

Otosclerosis: Gradual Hearing Loss

Beethoven was undoubtedly one of the very great European composers. He composed some of his most famous works when he could only communicate with “conversation books” due to his deafness. His progressive hearing loss began when he was only 26 years old. Today, most researchers believe that its cause was otosclerosis of the inner ear. … Otosclerosis: Gradual Hearing Loss

Tinnitus: Treatment and Self-Help

In many cases, tinnitus can be interpreted as a well-meaning admonition from the body. In addition to physical causes, ringing in the ears can also be a warning signal that we have overtaken ourselves physically or mentally. Therefore, you should track down the causes and correct them if possible. A visit to an ear, nose … Tinnitus: Treatment and Self-Help

Causes | Treatment for a trapped nerve in the cervical spine

Causes The causes of a pinched nerve are manifold. Often the symptoms are caused by hardening of the muscles. In this case, the muscle tissue cramps and presses on the nerve fibers. These react to the mechanical changes with irritation, cause pain and may restrict the nerve’s ability to function. Muscle hardening is often caused … Causes | Treatment for a trapped nerve in the cervical spine

Tinnitus | Treatment for a trapped nerve in the cervical spine

Tinnitus A pinched nerve can promote the development of tinnitus and/or amplify existing ear noises. Tinnitus is caused by the anatomical connection between the joints of the upper cervical spine and the cranial nerve nuclei of the auditory and vestibular nerves: there is a direct nerve connection between the nerves of the fine muscles of … Tinnitus | Treatment for a trapped nerve in the cervical spine

Diagnosis | Treatment for a trapped nerve in the cervical spine

Diagnosis First, a suspected diagnosis is made on the basis of the clear symptoms. A detailed anamnesis, e.g. about incorrect posture or incorrect weight bearing, supports the suspicion. Muscle hardenings can be palpated by the doctor. Serious causes, such as bone fractures, herniated discs or tumors, can be ruled out by imaging procedures (sonography, computer … Diagnosis | Treatment for a trapped nerve in the cervical spine

Tinnitus: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tinnitus refers to pathological ear noises that are either recurring or even occur continuously, i.e. chronically. In this case, the affected person hears an unpleasant tone or noise, which can be perceived mostly as whistling, ringing or humming. The main reasons for tinnitus can be psychological causes, as well as pathological and physical causes. What … Tinnitus: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Products Quinine is approved in many countries in the form of dragées for malaria therapy (quinine sulfate 250 Hänseler). In Germany, film-coated tablets of 200 mg quinine sulfate are commercially available for the treatment of calf cramps (Limptar N). Structure and properties Quinine (C20H24N2O2, Mr = 324.4 g/mol) usually exists as quinine sulfate, a white … Quinine