Which home remedies can help? | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Which home remedies can help? In case of a slight nail bed inflammation, various home remedies can be used to relieve discomfort and speed up healing. These are mainly herbal products that have an anti-inflammatory or germicidal effect. Suitable are, for example, preparations made from arnica, onion extract or horseradish. A frequently used household remedy … Which home remedies can help? | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Duration of nail bed inflammation | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Duration of nail bed inflammation The duration of a nail bed inflammation on the toe depends on the extent of the inflammation, the trigger and the time when treatment is started. An uncomplicated inflammation of the nail bed, which is recognized and treated in time, usually heals within three days. However, if the disease is … Duration of nail bed inflammation | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Course of disease with circulatory disorder of the toes | Circulatory disorders of the toes

Course of disease with circulatory disorder of the toes If it is noticeable that the blood circulation of the toes is disturbed, other vessels are usually already affected by the disease. Therefore, similar symptoms appear on other parts of the body a short time later. First probably on the lower leg, later on the whole … Course of disease with circulatory disorder of the toes | Circulatory disorders of the toes

Treatment of circulatory disorders of the toes | Circulatory disorders of the toes

Treatment of circulatory disorders of the toes The therapy of circulatory disorders in the toes depends on the underlying disease and its causes. The arteriosclerosis is treated by a good adjustment of the blood pressure as well as the blood fat values. A change in lifestyle, including plenty of exercise and a balanced diet, is … Treatment of circulatory disorders of the toes | Circulatory disorders of the toes

Cramps in the toes

Definition Muscle cramps are sudden and involuntary, painful contractions of the muscles, which usually end without external influences and are only of short duration. The cramps can be triggered by various factors and affect different muscle groups – for example the foot muscles. Nevertheless, the mechanism behind the development of muscle cramps is still only … Cramps in the toes

Diagnosis | Cramps in the toes

Diagnosis Since the cause of the so-called paraphysiological muscle spasms is still not clarified, the diagnosis of the complaints is mainly limited to the exclusion of responsible underlying diseases, such as metabolic disorders or circulatory disorders. Frequently occurring or stressful cramps can, however, also give rise to electrolyte measurements of the blood. Special attention should … Diagnosis | Cramps in the toes


General information The metatarsus consists of five metatarsal bones (Os metatarsalia I – V), which are connected by joints. They are located in the foot between the toes and the root of the foot. Together with the respective toes, each metatarsal forms a beam, which divides the entire foot into five beams. The first ray … Midfoot

Eczema between the toes

Definiton Eczema is basically an inflammatory but initially non-infectious skin reaction, triggered by certain noxious substances (toxins). Eczema goes through different stages, which can be classified as acute, subacute and chronic. An attacked and not intact skin surface or also a lowered immune system make the person especially susceptible to eczema between the toes and … Eczema between the toes