Tongue Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

Brief overview What is tongue cancer? A malignant form of oral cavity cancer, primarily affects the front two-thirds of the tongue Causes: Carcinogens trigger the formation of altered mucosal cells of the tongue. Risk factors: consumption of tobacco, alcohol and betel nuts, exposure to radiation, poor oral hygiene, predisposition; less frequently: human papillomavirus (HPV) Treatment: … Tongue Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

You can recognize tongue cancer by these symptoms

Introduction Tongue cancer is a treacherous cancer disease. The symptoms are often noticed late. In stages where tongue cancer causes problems, it often has a large extension and has already spread to surrounding organs. This makes it all the more important to react early to changes in the tongue that seem unusual. Certain signs point … You can recognize tongue cancer by these symptoms

Symptoms in the early stages of tongue cancer | You can recognize tongue cancer by these symptoms

Symptoms in the early stages of tongue cancer At the beginning of the disease the symptoms may be very mild or absent. As a result, tongue cancer is rarely detected in its early stages. The ulcer on the tongue is very small at the beginning and can be mistaken for a harmless altered area. However, … Symptoms in the early stages of tongue cancer | You can recognize tongue cancer by these symptoms

What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

Introduction Cancer of the tongue is a malignant disease of the tongue, which can be triggered in particular by cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. If tongue cancer is detected early and treated in time, life expectancy is higher than in advanced stages. In general, however, life expectancy also depends on the age and general state … What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

Survival rate for tongue cancer | What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

Survival rate for tongue cancer The survival rate in tongue cancer can vary greatly and depends mainly on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed and whether a therapy can be initiated in time with the aim of a cure. Leaving aside all factors that influence the average life expectancy, about 40-50% of all … Survival rate for tongue cancer | What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

These symptoms may indicate squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue | Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue

These symptoms may indicate squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue The symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma are relatively unspecific, especially in the beginning. It becomes noticeable by a new perceptible spatial requirement, growing into neighboring structures and possibly by tumor necrosis (destruction of tissue). Among the most frequent symptoms are: Localized pain Foreign body sensation … These symptoms may indicate squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue | Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue

Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

Definition – What is squamous cell carcinoma? A squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor or cancer. It originates from the skin or the mucous membrane. Squamous epithelium describes the upper cell layer, which covers many external and internal surfaces. Due to several mutations the squamous epithelium changes and cancer develops. Since squamous epithelium is … Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a squamous cell carcinoma by these symptoms | Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a squamous cell carcinoma by these symptoms Since squamous cell carcinomas occur in different parts of the body, there are no general symptoms typical of squamous cell carcinoma. Depending on the affected organ, organ-typical symptoms may occur. It does not have to be a squamous cell carcinoma in this organ, other types of … I recognize a squamous cell carcinoma by these symptoms | Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

Prognosis and life expectancy of squamous cell carcinoma | Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

Prognosis and life expectancy of squamous cell carcinoma In general, no statement can be made about individual prognosis or life expectancy. Primarily, the prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma depends on how far advanced it is and where it is located. Lung carcinomas usually have a relatively poor prognosis. The situation is similar for squamous cell … Prognosis and life expectancy of squamous cell carcinoma | Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?