Patellar tip syndrome symptoms

Osteopathy patellae, Springer knee, Sinding-Larsen’s disease Introduction Patellar tip syndrome is an overload reaction of the patellar extensor apparatus. It leads to a chronic degenerative change of the patellar tendon. Among other things, the tendon is required to stretch the knee when jumping and to absorb jumps. Therefore, the patellar tendon syndrome is also called … Patellar tip syndrome symptoms

Rotator cuff

Synonyms in a broader sense Supraspinatus tendon Shoulder Muscles Musculus supraspinatus Musculus infraspinatus Musculus teres minor Anatomy The rotator cuff is a functionally important muscle group of the shoulder, which originates from the scapula and lies around the head of humerus like a cuff and is jointly responsible for the rotation and lifting of the … Rotator cuff

Training of the rotator cuff | Rotator cuff

Training of the rotator cuff Training the shoulder muscles not only has an aesthetic and athletic purpose, but is also medically suitable for counteracting future damage in the shoulder area. In order to train the rotator cuff effectively, it is important to take a good look at its functionality: External rotation, internal rotation, abduction and … Training of the rotator cuff | Rotator cuff

Torn biceps tendon

Introduction The bicep is a muscle of the upper arm and consists of two muscle parts – the short and the long head. These originate from two different parts of the shoulder and unite to form a common muscle belly where the muscle is visible from the outside. This is attached to the spoke, the … Torn biceps tendon

Therapy | Torn biceps tendon

Therapy Several options are available for the treatment of a biceps tendon rupture. When deciding on the final therapy, the doctor mainly depends on the affected tendon, the patient’s age and the existing limitation. However, cosmetic changes can also be decisive in the decision to undergo surgery. If the long biceps tendon is affected, a … Therapy | Torn biceps tendon

Forecast | Torn biceps tendon

Forecast After the operation, one must expect only a slight reduction in strength, especially during lifting and external rotation of the forearm. After a conservative therapy, the loss of strength is usually somewhat greater, but is compensated by other muscles and allows a normal daily routine. The duration until complete healing varies and depends on … Forecast | Torn biceps tendon

Patella tendon rupture

A tear (rupture) of the tendon between the lower pole of the kneecap (patella) and the tibial tuberosity (Tuberositas tibiae) is called a patella tendon rupture. The tendon can rupture due to various force effects. The patellar tendon rupture is a rare injury, but its faulty or incorrect treatment could lead to permanent damage or … Patella tendon rupture

Follow-up treatment and prognosis | Patella tendon rupture

Follow-up treatment and prognosis After every surgical treatment of a patellar tendon rupture, it is necessary to immobilize the knee joint. Tendon tissue is not well supplied with blood, which makes a long healing phase necessary. Immobilization can be achieved, for example, with the help of an extension orthosis or a thigh tutor splint. An … Follow-up treatment and prognosis | Patella tendon rupture

Soft tissue injuries

A soft tissue injury is an injury caused by the use of force. Soft tissues include tissues that protect the bone and surrounding tissue, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, subcutaneous tissue, fatty tissue, including vascular and nerve tissue. Statistically, injuries to the Achilles tendon, patellar tendon or biceps tendon are the most common. Soft-tissue … Soft tissue injuries