Can the HP virus be transmitted through oral sex? | What is the HP virus?

Can the HP virus be transmitted through oral sex? Transmission through oral sex is possible without any problems, since the human papilloma virus requires a “leaky” skin area to penetrate. Since the mouth is a mucous membrane, it does not have a protective horny layer, which allows the viruses to penetrate it unhindered. However, transmission … Can the HP virus be transmitted through oral sex? | What is the HP virus?

Prognosis – Is a HPV infection curable? | What is the HP virus?

Prognosis – Is a HPV infection curable? Warts resulting from HPV infection are quite treatable. They can be removed either by etching or by “freezing”. If none of these methods is successful, the warts can ultimately be surgically removed. However, these treatments are usually associated with a relatively high recurrence rate. This means that a … Prognosis – Is a HPV infection curable? | What is the HP virus?

What is the HP virus?

Definition The human papilloma virus – HPV for short – is a pathogen that is about 50 nanometers in size and of which there are well over a hundred different species that cause different clinical pictures. For example, HPV can cause skin warts, but it can also be a predisposing factor for cervical cancer or … What is the HP virus?

What diseases does an HP virus cause? | What is the HP virus?

What diseases does an HP virus cause? Roughly speaking, the diseases caused by HPV can be divided into benign and malignant diseases. Which disease is caused can be identified by the type of HPV that causes the disease. A distinction is made here between many so-called low-risk types and a few so-called high-risk types. The … What diseases does an HP virus cause? | What is the HP virus?

IrradiationRadiation therapy | Therapy options for breast cancer

IrradiationRadiation therapy An irradiation (radiotherapy) is performed with high-energy X-rays (photon radiation) and/or electron beams (particle radiation). The standard in radiation therapy here is irradiation of the whole breast for a period of about five weeks (25 to 28 irradiations on five days per week). Depending on the risk situation, irradiation of the tumor region … IrradiationRadiation therapy | Therapy options for breast cancer

ImmunotherapyAntibody therapy | Therapy options for breast cancer

ImmunotherapyAntibody therapy In 25-30% of all malignant breast tumors, a certain growth factor (c-erb2) and a receptor of the growth factor (HER-2 = human epidermal growth factor – receptor 2), which stimulates the cancer cells to grow faster, is produced in increased quantities. As a result, the cancer cells constantly receive signals from the growth … ImmunotherapyAntibody therapy | Therapy options for breast cancer

How long does the therapy last? | Therapy options for breast cancer

How long does the therapy last? How long the entire therapy lasts depends on which therapeutic options are used. Almost every breast cancer is operated on today, and in most cases with breast-conserving surgery. After this operation, the remaining breast tissue must be irradiated. In the case of radiation therapy, the entire dose is not … How long does the therapy last? | Therapy options for breast cancer

How useful are alternative treatment methods? | Therapy options for breast cancer

How useful are alternative treatment methods? A large number of alternative treatment methods for the treatment of breast cancer are offered on various platforms as well as by alternative practitioners and alternative medical centers. Here it must be clearly stated that a single alternative treatment method is not appropriate in the therapy of breast cancer. … How useful are alternative treatment methods? | Therapy options for breast cancer

What are the causes of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Introduction A cerebral hemorrhage (intracranial hemorrhage) is a hemorrhage within the skull. A distinction is made between an intracerebral hemorrhage (bleeding into the brain tissue) and a subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding between the middle and inner layers of the cerebral membrane). In both cases, the bleeding causes compression of surrounding brain areas, a reduced supply of … What are the causes of a cerebral hemorrhage?