Stomach mucosa | Mucosa

Stomach mucosa Nasal mucosa The nasal mucosa consists of the respiratory mucosa (Regio respiratoria) and the olfactory mucosa (Regio olfactoria). The respiratory region is named after its function; it represents the first part of the respiratory tract. It covers the largest part of the nasal cavity. It is found on the nasal septum, the side … Stomach mucosa | Mucosa

Jejunostoma: Treatment, Effect & Risks

A jejunostoma (Latin jejunum = “empty intestine” and Greek stoma = “mouth“) refers to a connection created by surgery between the jenunum (upper small intestine) and the abdominal wall for insertion of an intestinal tube to allow etheral (artificial) feeding of the patient. What is the jejunostomy? A jejunostoma refers to a connection created by … Jejunostoma: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Diagnosis | Toxic megacolon

Diagnosis Toxic megacolon is usually diagnosed by x-rays of the abdomen of the affected person. Computer tomography can also be used. In both cases, the examining physician can clearly identify the enlarged section of the colon. Furthermore, a blood count is routinely made. This usually reveals anemia and elevated inflammation values. To confirm the diagnosis, … Diagnosis | Toxic megacolon

Toxic megacolon

Definition Toxic megacolon is an acute, life-threatening clinical picture, which can occur as a complication of other intestinal diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Chagas disease, and pseudomembranous colitis. Toxic megacolon is an enlargement of the colon accompanied by severe colitis. Those affected often come to the emergency room with acute, severe abdominal pain … Toxic megacolon

Symptoms of a toxic megacolon | Toxic megacolon

Symptoms of a toxic megacolon The main symptom with which the affected persons present themselves in the emergency room is very severe abdominal pain and a defensive tension in the abdominal area, which presents itself to the examiner as a stomach as hard as a board. The pain is accompanied by high fever and a … Symptoms of a toxic megacolon | Toxic megacolon

Possible complications of a toxic megacolon | Toxic megacolon

Possible complications of a toxic megacolon Some possible complications are known to exist in the Toxic Megacolon. One possibility is that of an intestinal rupture. In this case, the severely damaged intestine breaks open and the intestinal contents enter the abdominal cavity, which can lead to peritonitis. Furthermore, there is a risk that the affected … Possible complications of a toxic megacolon | Toxic megacolon

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? The frequency and duration of use of household remedies varies greatly. In general, it can be said that a balanced diet with many different micronutrients, vitamins and minerals should always be aimed for. This not only helps against intestinal inflammation, but also prevents many … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation

When do I have to go to the doctor? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation

When do I have to go to the doctor? A doctor does not have to be consulted for every suspected intestinal inflammation. Diarrhea and abdominal pain, as well as constipation can occasionally occur in healthy people. First of all, it is important to drink enough and to ensure a balanced diet and sufficient exercise. In … When do I have to go to the doctor? | Household remedy against intestinal inflammation