Protein deficiency

What is a protein deficiency? Proteins have vital functions in the body. They are needed to build tissue, especially muscles. However, they also occur in a certain concentration in the blood. Here they transport important substances to their destination and bind the fluid in the vascular system. They are involved in blood clotting and perform … Protein deficiency

What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of? | Protein deficiency

What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of? Most people cover their protein requirements with animal protein by consuming meat and eggs. However, vegans consciously abstain from animal protein. And one must say completely clearly that also a vegane nutrition can be very protein-rich. Protein-rich vegan foods include beans, chickpeas and lentils. Tofu also … What do vegan vegetarians need to be aware of? | Protein deficiency

What is a protein deficiency idiot? | Protein deficiency

What is a protein deficiency idiot? The consequences of protein deficiency are serious. The body therefore tries everything to counteract an impending protein deficiency. Protein deficiency edema does not occur until all the body’s compensatory mechanisms have been exhausted. Protein deficiency edema is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the tissue. Fluid escapes from the … What is a protein deficiency idiot? | Protein deficiency

Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency in vegetarians

Associated symptoms In general, the symptoms are very unspecific, especially at the beginning of an iron deficiency, which is why the diagnosis is often not made immediately. A manifest iron deficiency leads to a drop in the red blood pigment haemoglobin. The skin and mucous membranes appear pale. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of … Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency in vegetarians

Living Vegetarian = Living Healthier?

“Cibi innocentes, innocent foods, are foods obtained without bloodshed.” This was said long ago by the church father Jerome of Bethlehem (331-420) – an attitude shared by most vegetarians. Respect for life is one of the main motives for not eating meat and fish. We explore how healthy a meatless diet is and how to … Living Vegetarian = Living Healthier?

Is Vegetarianism Healthy?

The vegetarian diet goes back to the philosopher Pythagoras and includes the teaching that man should use exclusively or mainly food of plant origin as food. There are different forms of vegetarian nutrition. Likewise, different reasons for vegetarianism and advantages as well as disadvantages of this type of diet exist. Forms of vegetarianism A distinction … Is Vegetarianism Healthy?

Anthroposophical Diet

The anthroposophic dietary philosophy stands for fresh and high quality food from organic sources. It is a predominantly vegetarian diet, although it does advocate milk and eggs. Even if one cannot make friends with the philosophical background – this form of nutrition is healthy in any case. If Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) – natural and spiritual … Anthroposophical Diet

Food with iron

Iron is a trace element which is contained in very small amounts in many different foods. A minimum daily intake of iron is vital for the body, as it is needed for various processes at the cellular level. In addition to its function as a component of some enzyme complexes, it is contained in hemoglobin, … Food with iron

Lists | Food with iron

Lists The leader in terms of iron content is the liver. Pork liver in particular contains extremely high levels of iron. But other foods from the green food sector can also replenish the iron stores. Here are a few examples: Food Iron content in mg/100 g pork liver 22.1 Beef liver 7.1 Oysters 5.8 Liver … Lists | Food with iron