Treatment of Meniere’s disease

Synonyms Menièr’s disease Definition Meniere’s disease is a complex disease of the acoustic system of the human body, which consists of three different symptoms and can affect the patient in different ways. Treatment of Menière’s disease should be carried out quickly, if possible at the first appearance of the symptom complex, in order to avoid … Treatment of Meniere’s disease

Balance disturbance and dizziness

Introduction Vertigo is caused by an imbalance in the interaction of the individual sensory modalities involved in a regular orientation in space. During a vertigo attack, the affected person has the sensation Causes of imbalances and dizziness are very different and sometimes difficult to recognize. They are often accompanied by headaches, nausea, fatigue, visual or … Balance disturbance and dizziness

Non-vestibular vertigo | Balance disturbance and dizziness

Non-vestibular vertigo Uncertainty about standing and walking is also often perceived as dizziness. This would rather be described as swindling and is caused by But also intoxications (poisoning) and some medications can cause dizziness. These medications include, among others: Very unsystematic dizziness, without a triggering situation, with varying duration of the dizziness, is often caused … Non-vestibular vertigo | Balance disturbance and dizziness

Symptoms of Menière’s disease

Synonyms Menièr’s disease Definition Meniere’s disease is a complex disease of the acoustic system of the human body, which consists of three different symptoms and can affect the patient in different ways. The 3 symptoms consist of: This symptom complex can occur in different degrees and in different time sequences. However, the moment the patient … Symptoms of Menière’s disease