Balsam for colds

What is a cold balm? A cold balsam is a product that usually contains essential oils and other vegetable substances. As the name suggests, it is used to relieve the symptoms of a cold such as sore throat, runny nose and cough. The ointment can be applied to the chest, back or even the neck … Balsam for colds

These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams | Balsam for colds

These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams The ingredients of a cold balsam differ from product to product. However, the combinations are similar. Most cold balsams contain essential oils and herbal substances. Eucalyptus or pine needle oil are often used. Camphor and menthol are also often part of the recipe. Thymol and ribwort plantain … These are the typical ingredients of cold balsams | Balsam for colds