Cancer: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic targets Remission of the tumor (regression of the tumor). Healing Therapy recommendations In pharmacological cancer therapy, many other procedures are now used in addition to chemotherapy. In this context, each patient receives treatment tailored to his or her individual situation. The following is a brief list of these: Anti-hormone therapy (hormone therapy). Immunotherapy (monoclonal … Cancer: Drug Therapy

Watery Eyes (Epiphora)

Watery eyes (epiphora) (synonyms: Ocular discharge; lacrimation; watery eye; watery eye; ICD-10-GM H04.2: Affections of the lacrimal apparatus: epiphora), tear production exceeds drainage capacity, resulting in leakage of lacrimal fluid over the lid margins. Clinical Anatomy The lacrimal apparatus (Apparatus lacrimalis) serves to produce, transmit, and drain tears: Each eye has two lacrimal tubules that … Watery Eyes (Epiphora)

Typhoid Abdominalis: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Typhoid abdominalis can be divided into the following stages: Stage incrementi (initial stage). Stage acmes or stage fastigii – symptoms appearing after about a week. Stage decrementi – after three to four weeks onset of symptomatology. The following symptoms and complaints may indicate the stage incrementi (from Latin incrementum = “increase”) of typhoid abdominalis: General … Typhoid Abdominalis: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Pulmonary Embolism: Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps: General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body weight, height; further: Inspection (viewing). Skin and mucous membranes [central cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin and central mucous membranes, e.g., tongue)] (20 %) Signs of right heart failure (right-sided heart failure)? Neck vein congestion? … Pulmonary Embolism: Examination

Laryngitis (Larynx Inflammation): Diagnostic Tests

The diagnosis of laryngitis is first suspected based on the clinical presentation and then confirmed by laryngoscopy. Optional medical device diagnostics-depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics, and obligatory medical device diagnostics-are used for differential diagnosis. Laryngostroboscopy (laryngeal stroboscopy) – assessment of vocal fold function during phonation: regular stroboscopic examinations allow … Laryngitis (Larynx Inflammation): Diagnostic Tests

Communicable Diseases in the Breastfeeding Period

There are few reasons to stop breastfeeding for a longer period of time or to stop breastfeeding. In the case of infectious diseases of the mother, it must be decided on a case-by-case basis whether weaning is recommended. This is because pathogens can be transmitted with the mother’s milk and trigger the corresponding disease in … Communicable Diseases in the Breastfeeding Period

Testicular Swelling: Test and Diagnosis

2nd order laboratory parameters – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, etc. – for differential diagnostic clarification Small blood count Inflammatory parameters – CRP (C-reactive protein). Urine status (rapid test for: pH, leukocytes, nitrite, protein, blood), sediment, if necessary urine culture (pathogen detection and resistogram, that is, testing suitable antibiotics for sensitivity … Testicular Swelling: Test and Diagnosis