Treatment of Ligament Sprain

To be able to rule out a serious ligament injury such as a torn ligament, a doctor should always be consulted in the event of pain in the ligament apparatus. Before seeing a doctor, the absence of a bruise and only a slight swelling of the affected area can already provide initial indications of a … Treatment of Ligament Sprain

Circulatory Problems: What to Do?

Some exercise usually gets the circulation going – but some people also complain of circulation problems after or during exercise. If you repeatedly suffer from circulation problems while exercising, you should think about whether you are pushing yourself too hard while exercising. If so, it is recommended that you reduce the amount and intensity of … Circulatory Problems: What to Do?

Itching: What to Do?

Itching (pruritus) is a sensation of the skin to which one reacts by scratching or rubbing. The causes that can lie behind the unpleasant itching are varied: for example, itching can be caused by dry skin, an allergic reaction, and diseases of the skin or internal organs, among other things. In certain diseases, itching occurs … Itching: What to Do?

Proton Pump Inhibitors for Heartburn

Proton pump inhibitors (PPI for proton pump inhibitors) are stomach-protecting medications. They used to require a prescription, but now PPIs with the active ingredients pantoprazole and omeprazole are available over the counter in pharmacies for self-medication of heartburn and acid regurgitation. In about 30 percent of the population, stomach acid flows back into the esophagus … Proton Pump Inhibitors for Heartburn

What to do About Knee Pain?

What to do about knee pain? If knee pain occurs while jogging or after a fall, you should stop exercising immediately and cool the knee with an ice pack. Put your knees up and move as little as possible. Under no circumstances should you continue to exercise despite knee pain. In addition, you can treat … What to do About Knee Pain?

Athlete’s Foot Treatment

Go to the doctor. He will, on the one hand, distinguish the appearance from other scaly or infectious skin diseases, and on the other hand, secure the diagnosis with a microscopic examination of scales – scraped off with a scalpel. If fungi are visible under the microscope, they are sent to the laboratory where they … Athlete’s Foot Treatment

Homeopathic Medicine Cabinet

Healing without a verifiable active ingredient – most orthodox physicians are still skeptical about homeopathy. But the treatment method according to Hahnemann is gaining more and more followers. Increasingly, remedies for acute complaints for home use are also gaining acceptance – which in turn generates great skepticism among supporters of classical homeopathy. Homeopathy stimulates the … Homeopathic Medicine Cabinet

Eliminate Bad Breath

Many people who smell from the mouth, believe bad breath is simply fate. However, it is often very easy to do something against the bad odors. However, it is important to first find the cause of bad breath. What you can do to eliminate the causes and how to successfully get rid of bad breath, … Eliminate Bad Breath

Stressed Skin

Healthy skin not only looks beautiful, but also has an important protective function for our body. But what to do when the skin is suddenly dry and red? If the skin also tends to tension or even itches, it urgently needs help. So that your skin does not get out of balance, we give sensible … Stressed Skin

How to Prevent Migraine

According to current knowledge, a migraine cannot be cured. But it can succeed to mitigate attacks and course and prevent. Due to the unclear causes, there are countless, partly different recommendations on how sufferers can prevent migraines. Finding individual migraine triggers In principle, the individual causes should be found and avoided first and foremost to … How to Prevent Migraine

What are Actually Trace Elements?

In advertising we often hear the phrase “rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements“. Almost everyone knows that vitamins are important food ingredients that the body can not form itself or not in sufficient quantities. The term minerals is also still familiar to some. But what are trace elements? Just like minerals, they are inorganic … What are Actually Trace Elements?