Tricks Instead of Tablets: Naturally against Headaches

Almost 58 million people in Germany occasionally suffer from headaches. Women are affected about twice as often as men. And the pain doesn’t stop at children either: every second girl and every fourth boy between the ages of twelve and 15 has a regular headache, as a study by the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) showed. Relief is usually provided by over-the-counter painkillers from the pharmacy. However, the quick grab for a tablet should not become a habit.

Headaches caused by tablets

The DMKG estimates that between 800,000 and 1.6 million people in Germany suffer from continuous headaches because they take too many painkillers. Eight out of ten sufferers are middle-aged women. “As paradoxical as it sounds: Almost all painkillers, swallowed regularly over a long period of time, trigger headaches themselves,” says Maria Schwormstedt, a physician at TK. A vicious circle, since the persons concerned try unknowingly to fight the pain with its cause, i.e. the medicines. “Those who swallow tablets too frequently for fear of new pain attacks get their bodies used to the regular supply of painkillers. If you then stop taking the tablets, the withdrawal symptoms again manifest themselves in the form of headaches,” explains Schwormstedt. 10 tips against headaches

Ten tips to declare war on headaches

Headache pills should be taken no more than ten days a month and no more than three days in a row. Even better, however, is to look for alternatives to pain medication. Options abound: “Whether acupuncture, mint oil on the temples or a relaxing walk – everyone has to find out for themselves whether they can get by without medication,” says Schwormstedt. Below, we present five natural remedies to declare war on headaches.

1. the lifestyle makes it

With a balanced diet, little alcohol and nicotine, and regular exercise in the fresh air – preferably endurance sports, which lowers the headache threshold – headaches have little chance.

2. the rhythm must be right

As boring as it sounds, it’s good for your head and body if certain things happen regularly. For example, a change in sleep rhythm, such as sleeping in longer on the weekend, can trigger migraines. And if you drink a lot of coffee in the office, you shouldn’t give it up completely on the weekend – that can also prevent a migraine attack.

3. just no stress

Often stress and overload are to blame for the buzzing skull. Those who are under pressure at work should consciously make sure to allow themselves time for relaxation: A short walk during your lunch break, a yoga class or simply looking out the window for five minutes in between. A massage from a partner or friend is also relaxing: it not only calms and loosens a tense neck, but also helps to release a new portion of happy hormones that can counteract the pain. Progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson, in which certain muscle groups are consciously tensed and relaxed, can also help to clear the head.

4. the headache diary: known why.

To find a prescription for regular headaches, you need to look for the triggers. The best way to do this is with a headache diary: in it, you document the time of day and the severity of the pain, but also the circumstances under which the headache occurs.

Immediate help for the buzzing head – 6 tips.

There are many tricks to get acute headaches under control without pills:

  1. Chew cloves: Cloves are an old home remedy for headaches. In addition to pain-relieving ingredients, they also contain essential oils that improve blood flow. This is particularly beneficial to migraine patients.
  2. Cold helps with tension headaches. An ice pack wrapped in a towel or a cold washcloth on the forehead and temples relieves the pain.
  3. Heat against neck pain: simply apply a hot compress or blow warm air on the neck with a hair dryer. Also a warm full bath loosens the tense neck and shoulder muscles. Rosemary in the bath water additionally promotes blood circulation, arnica relieves pain.
  4. Alternating warm foot baths can also provide relief, as they stimulate blood circulation throughout the body. First both legs up to the knees for three to five minutes in warm water dive, then for eight to ten seconds in cold.Repeat this procedure three times and then wrap your feet in warm wool socks.
  5. A tea of violet root, lemon balm and lavender or simply black tea with lemon can help relieve acute headaches.
  6. Essential oils: especially against tension headache helps ten percent peppermint oil – simply give a few drops on the forehead and temples and gently massage. Lavender oil and the scent of lemongrass or neroli can also have a positive effect. Migraine patients should be careful, however, because the attacks are often accompanied by an increased sense of smell and fragrances can trigger migraine attacks.

Despite all the tricks and tricks, however, a visit to the doctor is sometimes unavoidable: if the headache does not subside over several days, a doctor should definitely clarify the causes.