

The U2 examination is one of the preventive examinations of the newborn. It takes place between the 3rd and 10th day of life of the child.


There are a total of ten preventive medical check-ups for children and one health examination for adolescents. All of them have the goal of detecting disturbances in the physical, mental and social development of the child at an early stage and thus being able to treat them at an early stage. Participation in all U-examinations is free of charge and is covered by health insurance.

and U-examinationsThe U2-examination usually takes place between the 3rd and 10th day of the child’s life. Like all U-examinations, the U2 is free of charge and must be carried out by a pediatrician or adolescent physician. If the child is still in the maternity clinic at this time, the U2 usually takes place there automatically.

If the child has already left the clinic, a pediatrician in private practice must be consulted. When the newborn is discharged from the maternity clinic, the mother receives the yellow pediatric examination booklet, in which all the results of the U examinations are entered. The yellow booklet has been little revised since its creation.

However, since some useful examinations have been added which are not yet included in the yellow booklet, a green check-up booklet is also handed out for further preventive examinations. The booklets should be stored carefully. You should bring the booklets, the vaccination card (see: Vaccinations for babies) and the health insurance card with you for every U-examination.

Medical history

The U2-examination takes place in the period between the hospital stay and the puerperium. An important part of the U2 examination is the medical history. The pediatrician asks questions about the course of pregnancy and birth. He inquires about the family circumstances in which the child grows up and asks about illnesses of parents and siblings to find out whether risk factors are present.