Duration | Pain in the eyebrow


Like the prognosis, the duration of eyebrow pain depends on the underlying disease that causes the pain. Isolated headaches, which can also radiate into the area around the eyebrows, usually subside within hours. A sinusitis usually lasts for a maximum of four weeks.

However, pain is not necessarily present during the entire inflammatory phase. Pain at the bottom of an injury usually goes away in parallel with the swelling and the healing of the bones. If a disease of the eye is the reason for the pain, a relatively short duration of the pain can be assumed in the case of an inflammation, whereby chronic cases can also occur in the case of glaucoma.


As different as the described clinical pictures are, as different are the diagnostic possibilities. Of course, the patient interview (anamnesis) and the physical examination should always be in the foreground. This alone allows the vast majority of all diseases to be reliably diagnosed.

However, if other findings are groundbreaking, other methods are also available. While imaging procedures such as X-ray or CT are well suited for changes to the bony structures, an MRI of the head is more suitable for imaging soft tissue. A laboratory examination of the blood can indicate inflammatory processes or even help with very specific questions.

In the case of chronic headache disorders, a headache diary with precise documentation of the duration, type and intensity of the pain can also provide more clarity. For ophthalmologic clinical pictures, a slit-lamp examination is usually used diagnostically. In addition, the intraocular pressure can be measured for special questions, for example if glaucoma is suspected.


Of course, the therapy of the different diseases that can potentially be associated with eyebrow pain also differs. Acute sinusitis is usually treated locally with decongestant measures and an antibiotic. The diagnosis is usually only made by talking to the patient and a physical examination.

It is hardly possible to distinguish between a viral and a bacterial infection. There are, however, signs that rather indicate a bacterial infection. If these are present, therapy with amoxicillin or optionally other antibiotic substances is usually carried out.

In addition, symptomatic therapy is carried out with decongestant nasal drops, painkillers or, in the case of a pronounced finding, even by puncturing the paranasal sinus filled with pus. For headaches, the treatment options also differ according to the type of headache. While non-steroidal painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol are usually sufficient for a significant alleviation of symptoms in the case of ordinary tension headaches, migraine is additionally treated with triptans or substances against additional symptoms such as nausea or vomiting.

In addition, migraine therapy is divided into acute therapy and prophylactic treatment. Even non-drug measures can provide relief under certain circumstances. Ophthalmologic diseases usually require a targeted and early therapy. This should also be carried out by a doctor specialised in this field.